And I'm here

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"Rosie, wait up."

"Come on, Jen. Just a few more steps."

"I know, I know but give me a second. Your legs are longer than mine. You know I can't run that fast."

"Oh right, sorry. I guess I was too excited to show you what I've found a few days ago."

"I figured that one. Now I'm good, can we please walk normally than running as if it were our last?"

"You never know that this would be our last run together but sure, let's walk, we're almost there anyways."

"Thank you very much."

"No problem, wifey."

"Wow, this is so beautiful, Chaeng."

"How ironic, I said the exact same thing too and yes, it indeed is. I was wandering around and accidentally stumbled into this vast field of flowers."

"So this is where you disappeared when I couldn't call you that day. I was worried about you, you know?"

"I know and I'm sorry. I was thinking about stuff, I wanted to be alone for a while but now I'm fine since I've found this place and you're here with me."


"Woah, it's been too long since you last called me by my first name which was when we first met."

"You know I'm here for you, right? And that you can tell me anything that's bothering you."

"I do that's why I brought you here. It's peaceful, serene and calm. No unecessary noise from irrelevant people we encounter everyday. And most importantly, I get to share this place with my special person."

"You bring me so much comfort, Jen. Whenever I'm with you, it's like all of my problems I've been dealing with are long forgotten. I don't feel alone. I don't see people looking at me with pity. I don't get to listen to other people's naggings. You don't see me as a different person. You see me as myself. As Rosie, who just wants to chase her dreams and make herself proud for her achievement. But I know that's impossible, and maybe in another life, I will make that happen but not now. I'm still grateful I get to live this life specially with you."

"With you, all my fears are gone. It's funny because I was used to be hiding in the dark feeling scared and I didn't bother to escape. But you interfered into my life and made a beautiful, chaotic mess. I'm glad you did because I've never felt so alive before. I've found my home and heart in you. Thank you so much for everything and for making me break my own rules."

"R-rosie, I-I"

"Let this place be your sanctuary, Jen. When you feel lonely, come into this place and share your sadness. Share your pain, anger and happiness here with me. I'll be here to shelter you and listen to you. I promise to be here for you. I promise."

"You p-promise?"

"I promise, my love. We should head back now, they're probably looking for me. Shall we?"

"We shall and Rosie?"

"Yes, my love."

"I love you too."

The world who she didn't expect to fall in love. The world who she mustered up her courage to confess and was given the sweetest yes that made her heart flutter. The world whose touches always make the brunnete shudder. The world whose kisses–sweet and sensual ones are only reserved to her special person. The world who makes her day brighter with that enchanting smile of hers. The world whose words never fail to make her cry with so much devotion, sincereness, and adoration contained in them. The world who is her inspiration in her life, to strive harder for the satisfying result.
The world who filled her heart with warmth, security, tenderness and so much love was taken away from her.
Her world.

An inevitable situation that neither one could get away from it. The sad reality the both have long accepted before they made an unbreakable bond. But it didn't stop the love they felt for each other. They took a risk and spend their remaining time together. They made every single day an adventure. Unforgettable memories were created along the journey that both lovers shall cherish them in their hearts forever.

Right now, the girl who discovered the secret place has gone to the other side and while her special person is in that secret place that turned into her own sanctuary.

She feels the cold breeze hitting her delicate skin as her mind flashes to their treasurable memories with a lot of emotions stirring in her heart. Anger that her love didn't deserve to suffer this excruciating pain. Sadness that her world isn't physically there to give her soft kisses and the warmest cuddles. Relief that her Rosie finally has her peaceful rest, no more restless nights, no more nightmares, no more endless crying, and no more pain. She's free and happy.


"Yes, my love"

"Even when you're crying, you're still the most beautiful woman in the universe."

"Do you really have to be cheesy at this time?"

"Always, did I make your heart flutter?"

"You know the answer to that question."

"I wanna hear it. I wanna hear everything. I wanna hear your voice. Tell me, tell me anything please."

"Roseanne Park, my chipmunk, my Rosie, my Hubby and my love. You always make my heart flutter no matter what. You're the love of my life and nothing can ever change that. You make me strong, make me feel that I could do better, make me face my insecurities that I have been hiding for a long time, make me say things that have never been said to anyone, and lastly, you never fail to make me feel loved. This heart of mine is screaming and yearning for you. Only you can make me like this and I'm glad that it's you I found. I have no regrets loving you, instead I feel honored that I get to love and know many things about the Roseanne Park. You're my home and I love you Rosie, always and forever."

"That's the longest speech you've ever said to me. Thank you, Jen. I–"

"Shh, stop talking, you're coughing already. Rest now, I'll be here when you wake up."

"Jen, I f-feel sleepy. Can I sleep?"

"You don't need to ask, my love. Sleep as long for as you want. I'm not going anywhere."

"I love you, Jennie Kim."

"I love you too, Roseanne Park."



"Sweet dreams, my love."

A tear escaped from her eye as she reminisced their last moment together. As she lets more tears to flow down her cheeks, she feels her. Her presence giving sudden warmth all over the body that made her relax. She may not see her but she feels her.

"And I'm here."

A faint whisper passed by her ear and a soft smile forms on her lips knowing her life and home is with her not leaving her alone.

She's always here with me.

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