Chapter 28

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Put simply, my plan was simple, effective, and incredibly stupid and risky.

If I failed, I would most likely be turned into the police, given a sentence, and the whole world would learn my name and face. Father would disown me from Team Rocket, I would never see Griff again, and X would likely take place as Father's successor. I love my brother, but he's least savvy in the business world than anywhere else. Besides, there's a whole other level of brutality when it comes to closing deals, and he doesn't have the stomach for it.

My plan had many flaws, and it wasn't thought out very well, which was very unusual for me. But, desperate times call for desperate measures, and this was no exception. I knew what I needed to do, and I knew how to do it, but there was no tricky double-back; no trump card for me to play. All I needed to do now was dangle my feet in the water, and wait for the Bruxish to bite. And here he comes now.

I waited until Piers was within earshot to make my move. If he's the leader of Team Yell, surely he has the key to this cage, I reasoned. Then, once he was close enough, I started retching like I was going to be sick. Clawing at my throat, I gasped for air, letting my vision blur and go cross-eyed. Dropping like a sack of bricks, I feigned collapsing from asphyxiation. Fortunately, I am a perfect actress and can hold my breath for almost two minutes.

Without turning my head, I could hear a shout of alarm, a key turning in a lock and a hinge squealing as the door opened. Footsteps approached, and stopped right next to the back of my head. I let an evil grin curl onto my face. Perfect. Going limp once more, I let Piers roughly grab me by the chin and turn my head, presumably to face his.

Dropping my head, I almost winced aloud as the sore bit landed on hard ground. I could feel his gaze trailing his eyes over me, trying to find the deceit in my limp form. Just as I could hear him turning to leave, I grabbed his leg and swept his feet out from under him. Quick as a whip, I got him in a chokehold, his neck crammed in my knee joint.

Eyes bulging, he grabbed at my legs, trying to loosen the hold constricting his airway. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to grab ladies' faces?" I hissed, his movements growing less and less frantic the tighter I squeezed. After about thirty seconds, he went limp, but I still had Toxie use Power-Up Punch on him, to be safe.

Then, I grabbed the rope from before and tied him to the bench I had been laying on the first day I woke up here, being sure to shove a good portion in his mouth as a temporary gag. Then, rummaging around in a crate, Toxie found a roll of duct tape. Taping his mouth shut, I left him to be discovered by his fellow gang members. Ooh, this would be too funny.

Carefully creeping over to where my bag was, I picked it up and looked inside. Rummaging around, I almost cried in happiness when I found all six luxury balls. Then, I almost screamed when I felt something furry inside it. "Chill Gia it's just me," Meowsie said hurriedly, putting a paw on my lips. "How the heck are you even here?!" I asked in disbelief.

"We followed the dude with the weird hair after his goons took you hostage," Meowsie said, then giggled. "It was pretty funny when they tied you up. You were flopping around like a Magikarp."
"Ha ha," I deadpanned, squeezing her in a tight hug. "I'm just glad everyone's safe."
"Can we save the emotional lovey-dovey stuff for after we escape?"
"Of course."

I helped Meowsie out of the bag, then found the perfect distraction; A cowbell. "Toxie, use Flail next to-"
"What on Earth is that?!" Meowsie cried, leaping away from it.
"It's a Toxel," I explained. "I named her Toxie, and like it or not, she's a part of the team now."
"You named it?" she asked in disbelief.
"We'll talk about this later, okay?"
"You named it."

Groaning, I turned back to Toxie. "Let's make this fast, okay?" I said, taking out an empty luxury ball. Tapping it to Toxie's forehead, she disappeared in a flash of red light. The ball quivered a bit in my hands then clicked. Letting her back out in a flash of golden sparkles, I said, "Toxie, use Flail on this cowbell. We need to make some noise to draw the attention of Team Yell if we're going to be able to get out of here."

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