(F) See You Tomorrow? • Yeosang x Emma Watson

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Note: This one-shot is about a friendship, not a romantic interest! Just pointing that out!

After the pre-debut mini show, Yeosang would've never expected something that was supposed to remain between him, the members and the fans.

That poem was a joke and nothing more, until one day changed everything.


-At the ATEEZ Dorms-

"So like, the cow was saying 'Well duh! I'm a cow!' " Mingi just made a stupid joke that made Wooyoung, San and Yunho bust a gut laughing.

"For the last time Mingi, that joke doesn't make sense! And you told the same one but changed the animal!" Jongho rolls his eyes in annoyance as he sipped his americano.

"Well it's not my fault this author is running out of ideas!' Mingi argues back with his mouth full of chicken.

"Jongho don't be such a grandpa." Wooyoung comments, making the others giggle.

"Guys can we just have one peaceful dinner? It's almost like we never have quiet ti-" Seonghwa was interrupted by a cell phone ringing, which happened belong to Yeosang.

"I'm sorry guys- Hello?" Yeosang greets the person on the other line.

"Hello! Is this Kang Yeosang?" An older woman spoke on the other line, making Yeosang raise an eyebrow.

"Yes? Who is this?"

"I am Lee MyunWoo, an language interpreter for Emma Watson. After seeing your pre-debut video, she would like to meet you and your fellow bandmates. Do you accept?" The lady asked.

Yeosang almost dropped his phone right there and then. THE Emma Watson wanted to meet him and his members?! There was no way she knew about them.... unless.....

"Could you give me a second?" Yeosang asked before covering the phone and started to freak out.

"Guys! Emma Watson wants to meet us!!!" Yeosang shouts, which had everyone excited.

"We'll what are you waiting for?! Accept it!" Screamed San and Mingi as they jumped up and down like little kids.

Yeosang is on the phone again to answer, "Yes, my members and I accept to meet Emma Watson."

"Great! I'm booking eight one-way tickets to London! So pack your bags because your flight leaves in 3 days at 8am in the morning!" MyunWoo explains. "After you get off at the airport, there will be a chauffeur to escort you to your hotel. More details will be provided to your escort! Goodbye and see you soon!" Just like that, the phone is hung up and everyone is cheering.

"EMMA WATSON WILL BE YOURS YEOSANG!" Yunho is screaming, teasing the other boy who is red in the face.

"Never mind that! Everyone needs to pack their bags now! We have a flight to board and a country plus an actress to meet!" Hongjoong declares as he begins to run to his room, the members following the leader's actions.


-3 days later-

After a gruelling 12 hour flight, they had finally made it to London. The boys stretched and yawned as he sauntered their way off the plane.

"Boy, I wonder who our escort is. Maybe they're Korean just like us." Jongho questions as he carried his luggage.

"ATEEZ! Over here chaps!" A middle aged man stood with a sign that said: "Welcome ATEEZ!" It was decorated with flowers and a little glitter, which warmed their hearts.

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