Chapter 7

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We saw a guard. We let him walk past before moving. We started to follow where the bracelet was leading us. We run across the hall. Guppy and
Slo-mo kinda got left behind.
Wheels: "Is it working?"
Y/n: "Well, it's leading us somewhere."
We continue walking then running.
Y/n: "Hey. That was really good back there."
Wild Card: "What turning into a toaster instead of making heat vision?"
Y/n: "It was heat-related. That's real progress."
Wild Card: "I guess it's progress."
Y/n: "You just watch. Pretty soon, you'll be teleporting like it's nobody's business. It's all about belief."
A Capella: "Um, guys..."
We hear a loud rumbling noise.
A Capella: "Does anybody else hear that?"
We stop and hear loud noises.
Fast Forward, Rewind: "What is that?"
Wheels: "It's below us."
Wheels touches, well his wheels as the ground shakes to feel the vibrations.
Wheels: "I can feel it."
We all turn and look at the ground. It starts to shake even more. We start scooting towards the walls. The shakes make us fall into the walls and Noodles grabs my wrist. We look at the ground.
E: "Ahhhhhh"
The alien breaks through the ground and Noodles pulls me. We all start running away. I noticed Guppy, Slo-mo, and Wheels had already left. We just followed far behind them. The alien comes through the ground and Rewind jumps over it and I go around. It comes through the ground and hits Wildcard and he falls. He gets up fast and starts running again. We eventually catch up with the others stop at an intersection.
Facemaker: "Which way?"
I notice a door.
Y/n: "That way!"
We all start running towards it. The door starts to open. The aliens pops through the ground and Rewind slides into the splits. (Always found this part funny for no reason)
Noodles helps him up as A Capella sings at the alien and holds it as we all run past. We run into the doors and up to a railing. There's a huge room with a bottomless pit and a pyramid in the center.
Wild Card: "Look at that thing."
We hear a door open and footsteps. We all look down and see- THE PRESIDENT?!
Y/n: "What the heck is the president doing here?!"
He was followed but what looked like a scientist and two guards.
President: "So they're inside this thing? All of them?"
??: "That's correct."
President: "How long before the takeover begins?"
??: "According to the supreme commander, less than an hour."
President: "So soon?"
??: "That's what she says, and she's never wrong."
Me and Facemaker look at each other confused.
President: "You don't have to remind me. Ever wonder why we bother with all this when she already knows how it's gonna turn out?"
??: "All part of the process I suppose."
They leave the room.
Facemaker: "What is that thing?"
Wild Card: "You heard him. It's a rocket stuffed to the gills with aliens. In less than an hour they're gonna send it down to Earth and start the takeover."
Y/n: "Well then we have to stop them. Let's go."
We turn to start running out the door, but when the door opens Miss Granada walks in. I look at her in shock.
Granada: "Do you children have any idea what you've done?"
We all start to walk backwards towards the railing.
Granada: "Stealing one of our trains? Turning headquarters upside down? Flying an alien shuttle into outer space. Hmm?"
We all look down in shame. She smiles.
Granada: "Well done!"
We all look at each other confused.
Granada: "Looks like we underestimated your abilities and your leadership qualities. You took a huge risk, but it was the right risk. Headquarters was attacked just minutes after you escaped. If you hadn't broken out, you would have all been captured. And now you've managed to lead us into the heart of this aliens mother ship? Mhm. So proud!"
Y/n: "Wait, so we're not in trouble?"
Granada: "Of course not. You are heroes."
Wild Card: "Yeah!"
We all start cheering. Ojo looks nervous as she clenched her iPad.
Wheels: "Y/n."
I look over at him.
Wheels: "Her vital signs are all over the place."
Ojo shows me her iPad.
Y/n: "Oh my god, Granada's an alien..."
I whispered to myself. I look back up and the president walks in.
President: "Save your breath Granada. They know."
They turned back to us.
Guppy: "Uh-oh!"
We watched as all the adults had alien tentacles emerge from their backs.
Granada: "Hmm. Well then...round them up!"
They all wrap their tentacles around us.
They walked us into what looked like a cell and pushed us in one by one. They dropped Slo-mo and he started to be dramatic as he fell. I just rolled my eyes.
Wild Card: "Quit the pantomime Slo-mo. You didn't even scrape a knee."
He smiles as he looks up and plays dumb.
Granada: "Oh good. Just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on."
She crosses her arms.
Granada : "You kids are just like your parents. The same in-fighting. The same bickering. Putting your own egos ahead of your team."
Guppy pulls out her water to get a drink.
Granada: "Take away her water."
Guppy gasps. The guard that wouldn't let us leave earlier grabbed her water bottle. I go hug Guppy. Granada starts pointing at Rewind & Fast Forward.
Granada: "They're too powerful together."
They point at themselves. The alien separates them. Ojo hugs her iPad looking at Granada.
Granada: "Oh don't worry. I won't take away your little toy. I already know what your future is."
She pulls out a key.
Granada: "Imprisonment."
She pauses.
Granada: "Life...long."
It's almost as if she's taunting us. She laughs and then turns to leave. She locks the door and walks away.
Guppy: "How are we getting out of here?"
I walk towards the door.
Y/n: "I.....don't know."
Wild Card: "What do you mean you don't know?"
Y/n: "I mean, I don't know."

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