Chapter 2

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A kid sitting behind me stretched his neck to the door to see if Miss Granada had left. I didn't really bother to turn around or anything because all these kids had powers so I wasn't surprised.
??: "She's gone!"
Everyone starts going insane. I look up for a split second but then turn on some YouTube to watch. I watch a paper airplane made of water fly in front of my face. I follow it and a little girl catches it. She opens her hand and there's a water ball. She raises her eyebrows. I laugh a little but go back to my iPad. I hear a screech beside me and I jump a little.
??: "Hey, I'm Wheels. Yes, they call me that on account of the wheelchair. It's a little on the nose, but I like it because it's cool."
I smile and nod.
Wheels: "You probably think I'm in the chair because my legs are weak, but it's the opposite. My muscles are so strong that my bones can't support 'em. But lucky for me, my brain's the same way. It's supercharged, so I'm good."
??: "So Wheels, who's your new friend?"
I turn and look and it's the kid from earlier. He's cute.
Wheels: "Y/n, this is Noodles. We call him that because, well..."
Y/n: "He stretches and twists around like a noodle..."
I say very quietly.
Noodles: "Yeah basically."
I noticed I was staring at him, so I looked away.
Wheels: "And that's Ojo."
I turn and she's already sitting on the table.
Wheels: "Her power is she's a genius drawer. Like Van Gogh mixed with Monet with just a sprinkle of Salvador Dali."
I point to it and look at her. She hands me the iPad.
I look at all the pictures confused as I swipe. I get to the last one.
Wheels: "Nothing she draws makes amounts of sense."
I point to myself then raise my hands up.
Noodles: "Oh, she won't answer."
Wheels: "She only speaks through her drawings."
??: "🎶Don't speak, I know just what you're saying🎶"
Noodles: "No you don't. You have no clue what she's saying."
Wheels: "And this is A Capella."
A Capella: "It me."
I smile at her as Noodles joins another kid at a table.
A Capella: "Yep, but I have an unusual range. I can go low....or I can go high! I can even go really..."
It got silent. I lean my head to the side confused.
A Capella: "It's beyond human hearing."
The intercom comes on.
Granada: "Miss A Capella Vox, would you please refrain from using your high voice. Every dog in the neighborhood has surrounded our building."
We all laugh.
Wheels: "And she can sing so low that she moves objects. Show her how you make things float."
She starts to sing very low and everything shakes. All of a sudden the chairs start to float. A kid in a purple shirt climbs them and flexes his muscles. I remember seeing that on Ojo's iPad. That's weird.
He jumps down and then A Capella drops the chairs.
Wheels: "All righty, let's see who's left. That's Blinding Fast's kid, Slo-Mo."
I see a kid sit down with popcorn in slow motion.
Wheels: "He's actually moving very fast, but somehow, his powers have him stuck in a time warp."
I wave at him. He salutes me.
Slo-Mo: "Hi!"
Wheels: "That kid over there..."
He points to the kid Noodles was sitting with.
??: "Two packs of candy for crossing our eyes."
Wheels: "Is Facemaker."
Noodles: "Okay."
Noodles crosses his eyes pretty well.
Noodles: "Beat that."
Wheels: "He makes the craziest faces."
He leans in and his eyes literally switch places. Noodles leans in.
Noodles: "It's impossible!"
Facemaker: "I can even change my face to look like you."
He covers his face and when he moves his hands, he looks like Noodles. I stand there in awe.
Noodles: "He's cheating! I can't compete with that!"
Noodles' fist gets big and he smashes the table.
Wheels: "Oh, Dude! Rewind, clean up on aisle two."
Another boy comes forward with energy.
Wheels: "That's Rewind. He can rewind time but just a few seconds."
He rewinds the time to right before the table broke.
They move the table and Facemaker brings an exercise ball. Noodles smashes the exercise ball and Facemaker goes flying. I laugh a little.
W: "They're twins. It's crazy, right?"
I look at him confused.
Wheels: "Fast Forward, are you at it again?"
Fast Forward: "You were taking so long, I skipped it forward a bit. Sorry, not sorry."
Wheels: "She and Rewind are twins. Opposite powers."
Rewind stands next to her and they both look disgusted.
Wheels: "The only thing they agree on is that they don't like each other-"
Twins: "At all."
They look at each other.
Wheels: "They're twins. It's crazy, right?"
I laugh a little and look down.
Wheels: "And then, there's our fearless leader,
Wild Card. There's not a single power in the world he doesn't have."
Wild Card: "True."
Facemaker: "Sure, he has every power imaginable, but since he can't focus his energy, they show up randomly."
Wild Card: "Also true...until now that is."
He lifts his hands.
Wild Card: "Teleport!"
The book on his desk shakes and lights on fire. A fire truck made of water comes flying in.
Wheels: "And last, but definitely not least, Guppy."
It was the little girl from earlier. I have an amazed face.
Guppy: "My mommy is Lavagirl, but my daddy is Sharkboy. So instead of lava, I move water."
She drops the water and puts out the fire.
Guppy: "I need hydration for my powers to work."
She takes a sip and the spits it out. She creates a shark that eats a human.
I smile at her.
Wild Card: "So new girl, what's your superpower?"
I look at him and put up a weak smile.
Facemaker: "Wait a second. I remember you. You're Marcus Moreno's kid!"
I nod.
Y/n: "He doesn't go on missions I stay in normal school...."
I whisper.
Wild Card: "Why would they put a kid with superpowers in with the normal kids?"
I cross my arms.
Wild Card: " Oh, I get it. You don't have any powers."
Wheels: "You're powerless?"
I thought they would be different than everyone else.
Y/n: "Can we check up on our parents."
I whisper as I sit down.

Slick's Dojo
I know it's midnight, but I wanted to update now because I felt like I needed to. So it might not be midnight for you rn so hi anyways ✋🏿😁
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