Chapter 34 - Nancy

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Lockwood Estates

Blackridge, New Hampshire

Wednesday 12 March 2008

"Dear Ned,"

I zip up my jacket and put my hood up, feeling so tired but at the same time, so alive. The lights of the police cruisers, ambulance, and fire trucks dance on the side of Lockwood Manor. The place looks a lot different now. It will take a lot of effort to clean up and maintain, but it is no longer the place for lost souls that it was a few hours ago. And even though it is frigid out, it feels warmer than it once did. I absentmindedly rub the bandage on my neck, eerily calm about the whole ordeal.

Thankfully, I remembered to shoot off a text to Savannah, telling her that we are all okay. I plan on calling her later with more details once I feel more like myself. Everything in my small bubble of understanding has been forcibly uprooted. How could I possibly feel normal anytime soon? But I will. I know I will, because I have to.

"A lot has changed over the past few days. I made some new friends (you know me, I always have to make either friends or enemies during each case, or both hahaha), and we worked together to wrap up the case. But... things are different now."

Sam and Dean are talking to the sheriff, presumably giving their explanation for the events of the night. Sheriff Reeves is nodding along intently, jotting down notes. The brothers are likely spinning the story as classified, like they had mentioned before. I can't believe that I am glad that they are taking the lead on relaying the story. I catch their gaze, and they finish up talking to the sheriff and walk over to me.

"I wish I could say that I am still a hardcore skeptic. But then, I would be ignoring the truth. I guess what I'm saying is, I am more cautious now of the world around me, seen and unseen. Savannah once told me to never open the door to the spirit world, because it can't be closed. Well, for me, the door was more kicked down than opened. I just had to make the choice of whether to acknowledge it."

I lean back against my car and cross my arms as they approach, trying to look casual, and not at all like my entire worldview has changed in the span of three days. We stare at each other for a few long seconds. "You're a brave person, Nancy," Sam finally says.

I smile a little and lower my head. "How am I supposed to go about my daily life, now?" I ask, genuinely curious, "Knowing that there is truth to the, well, the supernatural?"

"If you want my advice," Dean says, pausing a moment. I nod at him to continue. "Do the same thing as you used to. Just be cautious and aware of what could be out there. It's hard, but I know of all people you can do it."

"And since you seem to get yourself in haunted places more often than the average person," Sam adds, " wouldn't hurt to carry salt with you."

"Thanks," I say with a large nod, trying to memorize the words he said. We all smile at each other, but I can see that we are all still processing.

"Here," Dean says gruffly, handing me a piece of scrap paper with four phone numbers, "You already have our regular numbers, but that's Sam's back-up number, that's mine, that's my other back-up number, and then that's our friend Bobby's. If... if something goes wrong and we don't answer, call him. He can help."

I smile at him and carefully fold the paper and put it in my wallet, and then hand them one of my business cards. "And here's how to get in touch with me, if you ever need it."

Dean gives a short nod. I suddenly notice the rings under his eyes, but maybe it's a trick of the harsh lighting and shadows of two a.m.

"Anyway. The new friends I made are FBI agents, and because of that, most of the case is confidential. But what I can say is this: Sam McKellen and Dean Wood are good men. They, like me, just want to make the world a little bit better by taking down every bad guy they can. Maybe we will meet again someday. Maybe you can meet them too."

"I guess I had better get going then," I tell them, stuffing my hands in my pockets. "Get some sleep before heading home."

In all honesty, I'll probably get back to my hotel, take a long shower, and then just leave. I don't think I'll be able to sleep at all.

I know how Savannah felt back then, leaving Lockwood.

"Yeah," Sam responds with a slight nod.

I hesitate, and then lurch forward to encase them both in a bear hug. They both seem very shocked, but then reciprocate.

We let go.

"Thanks for keeping me alive," I tell them, a joking tone in my voice. But I am being serious.

"Same to you," they respond.

"I hope to see you around again soon," I say, "It might be fun. Work another case together?"

Dean pauses, and then gives me another tight hug. "I really hope I--I mean, we--can. I'll miss having you around. Like having a... like having a little sister."

He releases me, and pulls his jacket straight. He clears his throat embarrassedly.

I smirk at him. "Don't worry. We'll meet again. Promise."

Dean just smiles sadly. "I really hope so."

Sam turns as another cop car enters the property. Dean takes the opportunity to lean forward to whisper in my ear. "Watch out for Sammy, okay?"

I straighten a little in confusion. "Okay..."

Sam smiles at me, not having heard the odd request from his brother.

I pat them both on the shoulder before getting in my car.

"Elicia Hill was a piece of work. Killed by her own weapon, in the place where she led who-knows-how-many people to their deaths. She got what was long coming to her. I wish we could have found her before she killed again, and before she kidnapped Edward, but we did the best we could. All three of us."

"Guys, wait." I roll down the window. They turn back to look at me questioningly. I grab my knapsack from the passenger seat and root through to find my voice recorder. I hold it in my lap, looking intently. Then, I pop out the cassette, the one that holds proof that they are frauds, and hand it to them. "Here. I thought you might want this to go with the rest of your evidence." I wink.

Dean takes the cassette like it is a treasure.

"You two behave yourselves," I warn with a smile, buckling my seatbelt. "And I wish you all the best in the future, Agents Wood and McKellen."

I roll up the window while they stand there looking speechless.

"Edward has decided to take a sabbatical from his historical writing in lieu of some world traveling and soul searching. I can't say I blame him. He seems to be doing alright though, based on the travel updates he sent me. Right now he's en route to Egypt to study the pyramids. He told me if I ever needed his assistance again, he would be happy to help."

I pull out of the driveway, waving to the Winchesters, and then get back on the open road. I can't say that I'm sad to be leaving that place, but I can't exactly say that I am glad either. I wish I had all the time in the world to ask the brothers about their lives, to fill in the blanks, to discover just how many ghosts I have encountered in my career.

But, maybe I am okay with not knowing.

"I, meanwhile, am headed straight home to River Heights! After the week I have had, it will be nice to have my own bed in a non-haunted house, with friends and family nearby. Speaking of, be expecting me to surprise you in your classes! Hahaha just kidding. But do save some time to hang out. I would love to hear how classes are going and school overall. Plus, since that letter I wrote last week got cut off, I have a lot to catch you up on about my case in Hartford, Connecticut!

See you soon!

Ever yours,


I hit the highway back to the hotel, eager to get home and eager to get back some sense of normalcy. I am sure I will meet the Winchesters again. And I hope that if they ever need me, they won't be afraid to give me a call.

Because that's what friends are for, right?


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