Chapter 27 - Sam

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Blackridge Historical Museum

Blackridge, New Hampshire

Tuesday 11 March 2008

I park the Impala in the almost-empty museum parking lot. I get out of the car, and the afternoon sun makes a momentary appearance before ducking once again behind dark clouds. The chill hits me as I make my way through the slushy parking lot to the sidewalk, Nancy and Dean trailing behind me.

"So, we find the sword, read the plaque thingy, and then we can leave?" Dean asks hopefully.

I roll my eyes in exasperation. "Yes, Dean. That's it." I pull open the door to the museum and step inside. It's much warmer inside, and our wet footsteps echo and squeak on the tile floor.

"Here we go," Nancy says, leading us to the left side of the entryway, where there is a large map standing to the side.

Dean steps up next to her. "So where's the sword section?" he asks with a clap of his hands.

"I doubt there's a 'sword section,'" Nancy says. "It's probably somewhere in the local history section if it does have a connection with the Lockwood Estates."

Dean points to the map. "Here. 'Blackridge Town History.'"

I stare at the area he's pointing at. It's nearby. Just to the right of us. I turn and lead us down the hallway, ignoring all the displays explaining the town's origin. I scan the hallway for any sign of the sword. The hallway eventually opens up to a small room cluttered with glass cases just like the one in the picture. I can't help but think this would kind of be a fun trip if it weren't for all the death.

We all split up as we each try to find the sword. I go towards the middle of the room and read about the first buildings constructed in Blackridge. One of them mentions the Lockwood Estates, and I know I'm on the right track. I follow where the signs lead me and stumble upon an empty glass case. The plaque reads,

"European rapier owned by Sherman Lockwood."

So this is where the sword should be. Then where is it?

I need to find a docent to talk to. I look up and see an older man in a purple vest with a blue button pinned to his chest labeled "Docent." Convenient. For once.

I walk over to him. "Excuse me," I say.

"How may I help you?" he asks kindly.

"The display over there," I say while pointing to the empty case. "Where is the sword?"

He looks over at the display. "Oh, Lockwood's rapier? That was stolen about a month ago."

A month ago. Right before the murders began.

"Seems quite the popular exhibit," he continues, "We had just gotten the thing back too."

"What do you mean?" I cock my head.

"It was stolen a couple years after we obtained it from the Lockwood Estates estate sale. It was missing for a good eight years before it was found."

"When was it missing?" I ask.

"I'd have to say '97 to '05."

I wonder if there were a lot of deaths at the manor during that time.

He pauses. "Why are you so interested?" he asks suspiciously.

I pull out my FBI badge. "Official investigation into the Lockwood murders. We are wondering if someone is using the rapier as the murder weapon."

The docent's eyes widen. "Why would anyone--?"

"Sick minds," I explain. "Do you have any more information regarding the theft?"

"No, I'm sorry to say. The cameras were offline that night, and there were never any clues to who the thief was last time."

"Where was the sword found last time?" I press.

"The Estates, actually." He pales. "You don't think the murderer killed all those people back then too?"

"We're looking into it," I tell him, pushing the truth.

"I have a picture if you'd like to see what it looked like," he offers.

"Uh, yeah, sure," I say, not wanting to be impolite.

He pulls a picture out of his vest pocket and hands it to me. "I've had it on my person a lot since it was stolen again," he explains, "Insurance has been a beast."

I take it from him. It's a bit more detailed than the image Nancy showed me back at Edward's hotel. And then that's when I recognize the sword. The nursing home. It's the painting! This was the painting the art instructor was teaching Nora Woodbury and the other residents to paint. I excitedly hand the picture back to the docent.

He raises his eyebrows at my sudden energy. "Is there some sort of evidence on there?"

"No," I quickly say, forcing my expression to be calm.

"Big sword fan, then?"

"Uh, yeah, you could say that," I reply awkwardly, wincing at my own words. "Thanks," I add hoping it would make things less weird. It does not. So I give him a small smile before turning back to find Dean and Nancy.

Nancy is bent over a small glass case, and as I get closer, I see a pair of old gloves within the casing. Apparently they belonged to the builder of town hall.

"Hey," I greet her.

She looks up.

"I found the sword, well, I found where the sword was."

She frowns. "What do you mean?"

"It was stolen," I start, "get this, about a month ago."

Nancy raises her eyebrows in understanding.

"But wait," I say. "There's more." I can't help but grin. She's going to find this super interesting.

"Do tell," she says eagerly.

"I've seen the sword before."

"What! Where?" Her eyes light up in intrigue.

"Dean and I went to interview this woman, Nora Woodbury, at the local nursing home. Dean and I walked in on her during an art class, and they were painting the sword." The last phrase comes out quickly as my excitement grows. Things are piecing together.

"You're kidding!" Nancy exclaims, her excitement matching mine.

"What's got you two so excited?" Dean asks as he walks up to us.

"Dude, it's the sword!" I tell him.

Dean frowns and furrows his brow. "Yeah, Sam, thanks. That really clears things up."

"From the nursing home!" I explain.

He stares at me blankly. "Uh, yeah, still not getting it."

I take a deep breath, trying not to get ahead of myself. "Remember the sword Nora Woodbury was painting?"

"Yeah? ...Wait, the painting sword is the museum sword?" he asks.

I nod. "Yeah! And guess who owned the sword?" I ask them both.

"Who?" Nancy asks.

"Sherman Lockwood."

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