Chapter 13 - Sam

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Lockwood Estates

Blackridge, New Hampshire

Sunday 9 March 2008

Nancy stands there for a long while, watching the flames. Eventually she pulls a small baggie out of her knapsack, and uses the firelight to examine it. After finding this fruitless, she pulls out her phone and, using the flash, takes a picture of it. This catches Dean's attention. He is already in a sour mood from having to let her examine the body.

"Hey, hey!" Dean exclaims, pointing angrily at Nancy, who is squinting at her phone screen. "What is that?!"

She looks concerned and confused. I don't blame her. "Dean, calm down," I hiss, putting a hand on his chest. He's having none of it.

"Where did you get that?" he demands, stalking over to Nancy. To her credit, she stands her ground. She glares up at Dean, who is easily a full head taller than her, if not more.

"Get what?" She retorts, snapping her phone shut. "This?" She shakes the baggie in his face. "I found it in the dead guy's pocket!" she gestures at the fire.

Oh no.

"I told you not to take any part of the body!" Dean shouts.

"I didn't! Last I checked, paper is not a body part!"

Dean shares a knowing look with me. Depending on what that paper contains, and if it has any of dear old Sherman's DNA, it could render the burning of the bones useless.

He pinches his nose and puts his other hand to his waist. "Did you uh, take a picture of that? Can you see what it says?"

"Yes, but I haven't read it yet. What I really need to do is--HEY!"

Dean snatches the baggie from her hand, and in one clean motion, spins around and pitches it into the burning grave. It lasts for mere moments before it burns right before my eyes.

Nancy looks as though she hasn't quite processed what happened. Her mouth is agape and her eyes wide.

I take this opportunity to take a step back before shit hits the fan.

"What, in the hell, did you do that for?!" Nancy yells, clenching her fists and getting in a defensive stance.

"Every part of that coffin has to burn!" Dean shouts back, gesturing back at the hole, "Otherwise the ghost will still be bound to earth!"

"You're insane!" Nancy shouts, "First you dig up a grave in the middle of the night, and then you burn all the evidence! What's keeping me from thinking you two are the murderers?! You've already gotten away with murder once!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Dean exclaims, throwing his arms up.

"Saint Louis, Missouri, fall 2005," Nancy bites out, taking a step forward and gripping her flashlight tightly. "They found your body, but it was a fake."

Dean shares a look with me. The shapeshifter.

"That wasn't me," Dean says quickly. "Someone impersonated me, and tried to kill Sam. I did shoot him, but that was only in self-defense! That's why they found 'my' body."

"The DNA evidence was all there!" Nancy yells, taking another step back.

"DNA evidence can be fabricated," I say quickly, taking a step towards her. "You of all people should know that."

"Oh yeah?! What about Monument, Colorado? The police station explosion?! Explain that!"

Dean and I share a fearful look. Nancy knows too much. How did she get this information? Oh I hope to God that her father wasn't involved.

"How did you know about that?!" Dean says angrily.

Nancy crosses her arms. "I know people. Remember Victor Henriksen?"

"You knew Henrikson?" Dean sputters.

She sets her jaw. "I have connections."

I take a breath. Screw it. "Don't act like you haven't been arrested too!" I accuse, "The River Heights town hall arson case? And what about the jewel thieves investigation?"

Her eyes widen in surprise. "How did you know about that?"

"We know people too, Nancy Drew," Dean says.

"That was different," she insists. She takes a step towards me, pointing angrily. "Someone was specifically framing me for those."

Dean extends his arms out and raises his eyebrows. "Same here, sweetheart!"

I nod and gesture at Dean. "We've made a lot of enemies in our line of work, same as you."

"I can't imagine why," she snaps, crossing her arms.

"Hey, I made sure you had a picture of that paper," Dean points out.

"Oh how will I ever repay you," she retorts sarcastically.

"You should count yourself lucky! I could have just taken it from you without you having any record of it!"

Oh Dean. I sigh, and approach Nancy, hands out placatingly. "Look Nancy, I am very sorry about that. It wasn't our best moment." Dean scoffs as he gathers our stuff. I ignore him and continue. "I sincerely apologize on both mine and Dean's behalf."

Nancy glares at me for several seconds. "You two know you are crazy, right?"

I bite my lip, remembering what Bobby said about trying to convince Nancy that there is nothing supernatural going on. But on the other hand, we just finished the job. "...We just wanted to stop the murders," I tell her, shoulders slumping.

"And we have," Dean asserts, punching me lightly in the shoulder as he strides past us to the car, carrying the shovel and the duffel bag of salt and accelerant. "You're welcome."

I groan at my brother's lack of tact. Does he not realize the scope of the situation? All it takes is pissing Nancy off just a little bit more and she will go public with her proof that he and I are not only alive, but are impersonating federal agents. We don't need that. Not again.

"I take it that you two are leaving town now?" Nancy says calmly through gritted teeth. She is still staring at the fire.

I have heard this phrase more times than I can count. It is less of a question than it is a thinly-veiled warning.

"Don't worry," I tell her with a nod, "We have no plans of hindering your investigation further. We'll get out of your hair."

I pause a moment, and then take off after Dean.

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