Chapter 25 - Dean

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Lockwood Estates

Blackridge, New Hampshire

Tuesday 11 March 2008

We park, I mean, Nancy parks my Baby in front of the mansion. That fucking mansion. We are back. Again. Dark storm clouds block out the sun, and wind visibly shakes the surrounding trees. A storm is blowing in. And a big one by the look of how dark the clouds are.

I glare at the mansion before I pull my flask out from my inside coat pocket and take a long drink. The liquid feels warm and inviting as I feel it pass down my throat. The warmth spreads out to the rest of my body. I take another drink. I know I need to stop being so obvious with the drinking or else Sam is going to lecture me, but fuck it. I barely have any time left before I am literally dragged into Hell. Why can't I drink a bit to feel temporarily better?

I open the car door and step outside. It's freezing. Why am I surprised? The sky gives a low rumble, and we all look up at it.

"Looks like a storm is coming," Sam comments. He opens the trunk and grabs some flashlights. He holds them out to us, and I take one. I hurriedly walk to the mansion, inwardly cursing the cold. I hear Sam and Nancy's footsteps behind me.

The darkened sky casts the mansion in a dreary light, and I have to use my flashlight to even see in the main room.

"It'll be most effective if we split up," Sam says.

I nod and am about to agree when I see Nancy standing next to him. She looks so small next to my brother's hulking form. She has her coat zipped up and her arms crossed for warmth. Her eyes are quickly moving around the room as if something is going to jump out of nowhere (which I guess is possible). She bites her lip and turns on her flashlight, pointing at something across the room.

She's scared, and I know she won't admit it. Nancy has faced a lot in her time, this much I know. She isn't about to admit to being spooked by an empty room. But this whole ghost thing is new to her, and I can't help but feel a surge of protectiveness shoot through me, looking at her staring wide-eyed and small next to Sam.

"For you maybe," I answer Sam. "I'm taking Nancy with me." I shoot him a look: I need to stay with her.

Nancy's face immediately relaxes at my words.

He understands and nods. "I'll take the basement."

"We got upstairs," I answer. "Meet back on this level when we're done?"

"Works for me," Sam says. "See you guys then." He walks off towards the basement.

"You're really letting your brother go into the basement of a haunted mansion. Alone?" Nancy teases, but I can tell it's nervous energy.

I shrug. "He's faced worse." I head towards the stairs, and Nancy follows close behind.

We creak upstairs, and I stare at the long hallway. I have no idea where to start, but Nancy immediately enters the room across from us. Maybe it was a good plan for me to tag along with her regardless of ghosts. We might even find something before Sam. I grin at the idea.


We search every room upstairs. Then we do it again, because Nancy insists. And I know Sam is done at this point, probably wondering where the heck we are. We're taking a long time, and we have nothing to show for it. After finding absolutely nothing, we make our way downstairs, Nancy leading us this time.

Sam is looking at a painting above the fireplace. He turns when he hears us coming. "Please tell me you guys found something," Sam says.

I shake my head. "Nope. Nothing upstairs. Why? Was the basement empty?"

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