Chpt 11: Final Battle

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Hi! There will only be 2-3 chapters left of this story. Just in case you forgot, the people (demigods) who went to Tartarus are: Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Thalia, Hazel, Leo, Calypso, Reyna and Nico. Thanks!

Percy's Pov:

"Ah, I've been waiting for you," I heard a cold, evil but gleeful voice. I instantly knew who it was. Tartarus. It was still hard to think of us battling the 'bad side' of Tartarus, and the gods? They can't help us unless they want to go to Tartarus. But it's too late. Why do I have to doubt this? A few of us will die. The prophecy said so...

"Well, we've been looking for you, darling." I retorted, slightly smirking. He sneered. 

"Heh, you don't just go looking for hell, do you? Let me guess, destroy me. Nyx and Erebus, they probably told you about the good and bad side... I'll destroy them along with you. Every. Single. One. Of. You." He looked at me, "And you, Perseus, will fail them. Get them killed. Like Luke. Kronos told me all about it. I can't wait to put more lives on your shoulders..." Tears threatened to fall. He smirked. Annabeth looked at me and put her hand on my shoulder as she came closer to my ear.

"Don't. Don't listen to him. He's trying to make you weaker." She whispered gently. I straightened my posture.

"OK, weakling. Show me what you've got." I sassed. He wrinkled his nose in disgust, then smirked and said,

"We'll be seeing what you've got, o great Perseus Jackson. Kronos fell. Gaea fell. I won't. Then he raised his hand, an army of Greek monsters walked out. At least we changed the Avengers' weapons into metals that work on those monsters. We have an advantage. A bit. I could tell all of us were worried. But I knew I had to stay strong. For Annabeth. For Steve. For my team down in hell, who never gave up on me. 

"Hold your ground, guys." I said in a low, dangerous tone, which resembled a leader which you do NOT want to disobey. They nodded, except for Annabeth, who smiled slightly and kissed me on the cheek.

"Together forever, right, seaweed brain?" I nodded and returned a smile. I could see the monsters surrounding us. I could tell the rest did too. They looked at me expectantly.

"OK guys, here's the plan. Steve, Annabeth and I will go to Tartarus and try to defeat him, as many monsters on the way too. The rest of you, get into pairs or more and kill without hesitation. Got it?" They nodded, put on their 'serious' faces. I could see them move into pairs. Good. They are putting the plan into action. I know, I may not be smart, but I can create a rather good plan. Steve moved to us and nodded when we made eye contact, I got the message, ready when you are. I uncapped riptide as Annabeth pulled out her favourite dagger and Steve took out his shield, it shone beautifully in the darkness. The colours popped out.

"Now, everyone!" I shouted once I saw the monsters start closing in. The pairs all started charging in different directions. I could see Reyna and Jason back to back, swords out, swinging like there was no other day. Well, there wasn't if we didn't win. Steve, Annabeth and I were charging like maniacs through the monsters, there was a literal golden showered of dust everywhere. Tartarus just stood there, seemingly enjoying the view. Huh? What? Then I saw why he was smiling smugly. The monsters we just killed came back in a matter of minutes. Tartarus. In Tartarus. How was I so stupid?! I could tell Annabeth noticed, but the rest were blinded by focus. Guess focus sometimes does distract you from reality. If it makes sense. Soon enough, the whole team (except us 3, who were nearly by Tartarus) were knocking out, killing and screaming. I saw Thalia bleeding badly on her hip (side of stomach, really). There was a large dagger there. She didn't give up though. Meanwhile, while the rest were fighting, we were right by Tartarus. He looked at us and smirked gleefully.

"Ah demigod. You think you can defeat me in my own territory? This place is me, and I am this place."

"Remind me not to come back here, then." I said with a teasing smile. But it never reached my eyes. He growled in anger, sheathed a long, black, purple and grey sword. The sword was beautiful. The handle had an angled end, it was covered with leather. The blade was a mixture of a lot of colours. I could tell the blade had a metal I haven't seen before. There were 3 main colours, which I assumed were metals. Black, Purple and Grey. The grey wasn't reflective, but the black and purple were. I, of course, assumed that it was stronger than mine. Why do the bad things have to be right? 

Our blades crashed together, releasing a small wave of dust and leaving a tiny, but visible, indent. Ugh. I have to defeat him. Fast. Or I will be defenceless. Annabeth was right at my side, she managed to cut him a few times. He stumbled when she cut him in the knee cap. But the victory of hurting him didn't last long. He elbowed her right in the stomach and, using the blade as a baseball bat, sent her flying 8 meters away. I screamed in shock and anger. I charged again, this time using a different strategy, instead of Steve protecting us from behind, he'll be up against Tartarus with me. At least until Annabeth comes along. He managed to crash him in the head. I heard a small crack. But it was small. Only. But it still meant we had the advantage of him being hurt. We kept attacking. Annabeth came along in a few minutes time. We kept fighting: blocking, attacking, defending etc. But after a small while (10 minutes, approximately) Steve was blown away by Tartarus and sent flying straight into Thalia and Nico. Nico stumbled and groaned as Thalia killed a monster and helped them up. Steve started running to us. Everything was like slow-motion. I could see Annabeth's fierce face, and Steve running. Tony blasting and Reyna killing. I was blocking an attack from behind and Annabeth block Tartarus. I heard a small scream. I looked behind and saw Thalia falling to the ground. She was covered in blood. Her once teasing, mischievous and tough lighting like eyes turned to  pale, lifeless ones. I screamed in rage as I did twist with my legs, kicking Tartarus in the stomach, and did a hard blow with riptide. Hard to believe. I kept doing so, but I was getting tired. I could tell Annabeth was too. Steve was helping Nico, because Thalia had fallen. A true hero she is... I was beginning to feel weaker, and my eyesight blurring and focusing multiple times. My sword had many indents, one was 1 1/2 inches in, meaning that my sword will be nothing but crumbs in a matter of minutes. An idea clicked in my head. I could literally imagine a light bulb over my head.

"Combine powers!" I shouted, just fast enough to hear a gasp from my left, where Annabeth was, and feel a stabbing right under my ribs. I could feel a cold, metal slide out of the wound. Ouch. At least, well, hopefully the rest heard me. My left thigh was impaled with a spear from an empousai. I fell to the floor in pain. I groaned. I looked at Annabeth, she was gasping for air, I started crawling toward her. I felt a sudden stab right in my gut. The blade that pierced me fell on the floor. I looked at the blade. The cursed blade. Behind me stood Tartarus, looking victorious. With the last of my energy, I crawled to Annabeth. She looked at me weakly and smiled. 

"Together forever, seaweed brain." I smiled and nodded. I could feel the blood drain out of my body through the large wound. I heard distant laughter. Annabeth pushed herself closer to me and kissed me, I kissed back. I saw Steve shouting to me, tears threatening to spill. But I couldn't hear him. Then my head touched the hot, sandy ground and everything turned black.

Steve's Pov:

I was fighting with Nico, blocking every monster. Then I heard a loud grunt, thud and a scream. I turned, there was Annabeth on the ground gasping for breath and Percy on his knees crawling to her. I looked at Nico, who already made his way to Reyna and Jason, Reyna already falling. Slowly but surely. I started running to them. I saw Percy, all covered in blood, being pierced again in the stomach. Bulls eye in the stomach. The blood poured like a waterfall. Nevertheless, he crawled to Annabeth hand to hand, laid down, they kissed. Then his head hit the floor and the beautiful sea green eyes turned into lifeless ones. Percy. He's dead. No. No. Annabeth gasped for air, and she paled significantly, in a minute she was dead. Her head rolled over to Percy's side, like Percy's had to Annabeth's. There they laid, dead but looking straight at each other. Any love story you've looked at, was no way as romantic and sad as theirs. But I knew what we had to do. For them. For Thalia. For Leo and Calypso. 

"Everyone! Join powers at Tartarus. Now!" I shouted loudly. I threw my shield, Thor threw lightning, Tony used all his blasts, Jason did lightning too, Reyna threw her sword, Hazel used some sort of magic, Nico did some under wordly stuff, Bruce turned into hulk and threw himself in, Natasha used her guns and threw her knives and Clint Shot as many arrows as possible at the time. The attack intersected at Tartarus. It exploded really loud, sent a wave that hit us down and killed all the monsters. Then there was silence.


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