Chpt 8: The gods send us to Tartarus

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Hi! This chapter is not going to be long, since I don't have a ton of time. But, enjoy this chapter!

3rd person pov/no ones pov:

Percy groaned and Annabeth sighed. What do the gods want now? We still need to choose 7 more demigods, since it's clear that Percy, Annabeth and Jason will be going. As Percy and Annabeth started walking to the big house where the gods would probably be. They motioned for the avengers to follow them. Luckily they understood. 

Percy's pov:

We walked into the big house. There stood all 12 of the Olympians. Yay! Note the sarcasm. Athena and Poseidon smiled. What are they smiling about?

"Son!" Poseidon cried at the same time as Athena shouted "Daughter!" They were grinning like madmen.

"Don't call me that, Poseidon. Your nothing to me." I said, hatred literally lacing off my words.

"Don't call me a daughter, Athena. As Percy said, we're nothing to you nor you to us. You call us 'Perseus' and 'Annabeth' only." She said in pure disgust. I nodded in agreement. Poseidon looked hurt. He disowned me! How dare he! So did Athena. I could tell Annabeth was thinking the same thing.

"Let's get to the point. We need to know 7 other demigods who will be going to Tartarus along with the avengers." Most of the gods were still in shock, but, they snapped out of it when I said that.

"Y-yeah. Definitely. I think it should be Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Thalia, Hazel, Leo, Calypso, Reyna and Nico?" Zeus asked us. Annabeth and I nodded in unison. 

"Ok, then, it's cleared, those demigods I just listed will go to Tartarus to defeat him. Hades?" Zeus said.

"Hmm?" Hades answered.

"Can you send them to Tartarus? Once all the listed demigods will come?"

"Yep," He said carelessly, "Get there rest of the demigods, you leave in 5." We nodded. We sprinted off looking for them. I found Leo and Calypso talking in the forge. 

"Hey, Leo! Cal!"

"Hey Perce!" Calypso said.

"Wassup?" Leo asked. Typical him.

"We're going to Tartarus to stop him from rising!" I filled them in, still breathless because of my sudden fast running. 

"Ok." They both nodded as they said it.

------Time Skip to after Percy and Annabeth got all the demigods to the big house-----

"Everyone ready?" Hades asked.

"Ready.", "yep" and words like that were heard around the group. The ground opened next to us. I held Annabeth's hand, looked at her wise, grey eyes. We both jumped in as I took her into my embrace. The avengers all ran and dived in, the demigods did too.

----- 9 days later ----

I could see the bottom. The ground was earthly red, like brownish-red. I could see a cliff, which leads to an orange river, which I knew too well. It was liquid fire. 

"Everyone! Get ready for the impact! It could, no, will hurt!" I shouted. I turned myself in the position that my back would hit the floor and Annabeth wouldn't get hurt. Crunch! I heard. I tried standing up, but a sharp pain shot through my back. I broke my back. Exactly what I need. Annabeth looked at me wide-eyed. Bruce walked up to me. He took out a bag and out of it a few bandages, nectar, ambrosia and water. He healed me using all of those, so I could travel to the heart of Tartarus, the doors of death. Where we closed the doors of death. Nico will shadow travel the avengers and the survived demigods out. I just hope the avengers won't die. It was our war. We just needed their help. Hazel, who was quiet the whole time, said,

"We should create a portal. Not to tire ourselves out." I nodded in agreement, I looked at Annabeth for approval and reassurance. She gave me a small smile and pecked me on the lips.

"I agree." Hazel, using her enhanced powers created a portal. We all walked through. Once I crossed, I saw the castle of night in the distance. Nyx's territory. Tartarus better not be there. I looked around. Everyone was there. I felt my eyes widen in fear, disbelief and shock. Where was Calypso?

Thanks for reading! I'll try posting tomorrow or later today the next chapter. Is this what people call a 'cliffhanger'? Well, thanks for reading anyways!

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