Chapter 6 | Daenerys

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Five days. Five days have passed since my arrival at Winterfell. During this time, we were all busy with the preparation for the imminent war against the Dead army: Jon, along with his advisor Davos and his soldiers worked on Winterfell' defenses. Since my army was supposed to fight alongside the norther one, Jon divided his time between organizing the necessary strategies with both his generals and mines. As for me, I decided to do my part by preparing my army for the imminent battle and working with Sir Jorah and Gendrei Baratheon on my children's armors. Jon too checked on us whenever he wasn't with the armies. "He truly cares about my children" I thought in amazement when I watched him checking with Sir Jorah every single piece of the armors Gendrei was making. Two days after our arrival in the North, Jamie Lannister had reached us as well; however, to my surprise, he was alone. "I should have known Cercei Lannister wouldn't have send her army here to help us" I usually thought in anger whenever I remembered our meeting with the Lannister in Winterfell's meeting room. Jon didn't seem surprised by Cercei' latest betrayal: it seemed he had already predicted this. "What are you hiding Jon Snow?" I wondered as I saw the king in the North keeping an eye on my children as well as Sir Jorah and Missandei "Why do I have the impression you are hiding something regarding the future?". These type of thoughts kept ringing in my mind as I walked around Winterfell's courtyard in a cold afternoon. I had spent the better part of the morning checking my troops and now that I had some free time, I decided to explore the strange environment around Winterfell. "I never saw this natural element" I thought as I caught glance for the first time in my life of the snow falling on the land "How can people live in this place?". "Never saw the snow, didn't you?" a familiar voice interrupted my ruminations. I looked up, only to find Jon Snow watching me with an amused expression on his face. "Well I have always lived in a much warmer land so it is not a surprise I look this environment with wonder" I answered, feeling a little embarassed. "Fair enough" Jon agreed smiling. "Gosh he is so handsome" I thought as I fixed my stair on his face "He should smile more often". "Any news about our....project?" I asked Jon as we walked together. "I asked Gendrei this morning" Jon answered, after having made sure no one was listening to us "And he assured me they will be ready by tomorrow night". I nodded, satisfied at the speed by which we had worked on them. "Let's hope they are going to work" I nervously muttered "I don't want to lose another of my children". "Daenerys as I told you, you won't have to mourn for another of your children" Jon replied "I gave you my word on this and It is my intention to fulfill the promise I made you". I wanted to reply but one of my soldiers raced towards me, agitation on his face. "Your grace" he said, stopping in front of me. "What is it?" I asked. "The dragoons" the soldier said "They didn't eat today". Knowing a lack of appetite wasn't a good sign, I sprinted towards the place where my children usually rested as fast as I could, Jon following me. "What's wrong with them?" Jon asked ten minutes later when we finally reached them. "Guess it is the weather" I replied as I started caressing Drogon's head "They aren't used to this climate". "This makes sense" Jon commented. Deciding my children needed to find a place a bit warmer, I climbed on top of Drogon, ready to leave. I noticed Rhaegal getting closer to Jon. "Go on" I invited Jon, seeing my child wanted him to get on top. Jon gave me a look of confusion. "What if he doesn't want me to?" he asked, fear evident in his voice. I had to contain my laugh when I heard his question. "Than I will have enjoyed your company, Jon Snow" I replied, tried to sound serious. "I don't know how to ride a dragoon!" Jon insists, fighting to keep his fear in check. "Jon nobody knows how to ride a dragoon until they have ridden a dragoon" I attempted to calm him. Jon sighs in exasperation and after a last moment of hesitation, he slowly climbed on one of Rhaegal's shoulders. "What do I hold on to?" he asks me as he desperately tries to grab something to prevent himself from falling. "Whatever you can" I simply answered, waiting for Jon to finally settle on my child. Finally Jon was able to catch one of Rhaegal large spikes and when my child felt his rider had managed to settle on him, he launched itself in the open air. My heart was filled with joy when I saw Rhaeghal flying for the first time with a rider and without wasting time, I followed them on top of Drogon. We flew on top of Winterfell, making everyone look at us with a mixt of astonishment. "Guess it is the first time for this people to see a dragoon in action" I thought, without stopping smiling. After what seemed an eternity for Jon, we landed in a icy valley, not too far away from Winterfell. I slowly climbed off from Drogon and I found myself in a waterfall. "This is an important place of my childhood" Jon said as I quietly reached him "Whenever I...wanted to be alone I always came here". "Why you needed to be alone?" I asked, curiosity filling me. "Well" Jon started nervously "Very often I had arguments with my mother or my sister Sansa so in order to calm down, I went here". "I see" I commented as I walked around, marveled at the beauty of the waterfall. "I like this place" I admitted, imaging spending the last days of my life here. "I'm happy you like it" Jon replied. " are the only person to whom I showed this place". "You never shared it with anyone else?" I turned to him in surprise "No" Jon admitted "You are the first one who had this honor". Not knowing what to say at this point, I silenced walked towards the man who I was falling in love with until we were close to each other. "Thank you" I said softly, doing my best to show my emotions "Thank you for having done this. I understand you made an effort on sharing such a personal element from your past with someone you still don't know very well". "No problem Daenerys" Jon replied with a small smile "I don't understand why but I feel I could share everything of my life with you". "Yes, I can relate on this feeling" I agreed and without wasting time, I leaned closer to the king in the North, the king of my heart and gave him a small gentle kiss on his lips. "I love you Jon Snow" I thought, hoping he felt the same "I pray you have for me the same feeling I have for you. I would like to spend the last days of my life here with you at my side". Jon retracted immediately when I ended my kiss and looked me with a mixt of sadness and regret. "Let's go" he said a sad smile on his face as he escorted me in the surrounding forest "I know where we can find something to give for food to your children". "Show the way" I said, fighting to reject the tears which threatened to fall from my eyes. "WHAT DID I DO WRONG????" I silently screamed as we walked side by side "I ONLY WANTED TO SHOW YOU HOW I FEEL FOR YOU. WHAT PREVENTS YOU FROM GIVING YOUR HEART TO ME?"

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