Chapter 20

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It's been about a week. A week of Owen not talking to me. About a week of me avoiding Charlie. It's been horrible.

Filming has been bad because everyone's awkward with each other. Every time Charlie and I are in a scene together he tries to talk to me but I just walk back to my trailer.

Owen has still been pretty distant. It's getting hard. Owen and Charlie are the two most important people in my life. Today I'm gonna try and talk to them.

I walk into Charlie's bedroom. "Hey," I say quietly. I kind of feel bad for ignoring him. Yes he should have trusted me but we can't get past this if we don't communicate.

"Olivia?" He says surprised "Yeah. C-can we talk? I miss you" I look down

"I miss you so much. I'm so sorry, Liv. I should have trusted you, I guess the thought of you with someone else just made me so angry. I know that's no excuse but-" I cut him off by kissing him. At first he's shocked but he kisses me back

We pull away and I just hug him. "Charlie, I'm sorry for ignoring you."

"It's ok Sunshine, I deserved it. Have you talked to Owen?" He asks

I pull away and sigh, "I was going to do that after I talked to you. It was killing me not talking to you guys" I say with a dry chuckle


I knock on the door of Owen's apartment.

He opens it and immediately hugs me

"I'm sorry" "I'm sorry" we say in unison

We walk in his apartment and sit on the couch. I rest my head on his shoulder lightly.

"I'm sorry for wishing I wasn't your brother" Owen says guiltily

"I'm sorry for telling you to move out. Are you gonna move back in?" I ask

"No. I think you and Charlie need your own space. Besides you two are so lovey dovey I might barf" he laughs

"I'm gonna miss not having you around." I sigh

"Liv. You are aware that we're twins, we work together, we share the same friends, and the same job? We're still gonna see each other everyday" he assures

We continued talking for a while just catching up on the past week without each other.

"I have to go meet someone but you're welcome to stay while I'm gone" Owen says standing up

I decided to tease him a bit, "Tell Savannah I say hi!"

He shoots around "um uh how'd you know?" He asks nervously rubbing the back of his neck

"It's pretty obvious you guys like each other"

"And you're ok with this?"

"Dude. I'm dating your best friend too" I chuckle

"Yeah but he was your best friend before I even knew him"

"Owen just go get your fucking girl! I ship you two so hard" I smile

"Thanks Liv." He smiles back

I push him out the door "USE PROTECTION!" I yell causing him to flip me off, but I hear him laughing

"I see you two made up?" Charlie asks in our apartment doorway

I lock and shut Owens door "yup. He has a date. With Savannah" I smirk

"SAVANNAH?" He yells

"Yeah. Couldn't you tell they liked each other?" I ask

"Sorry not all of us have a crazy twin connection with Owen" he jokes

"You have to be blind not to see it"

"And how did you see it?" He asks

"Because he looks at her the same way you look at me. But that's cheesy so imma just say I'm awesome like that" i laugh

"Aww you're so adorable" he says, throwing me over his shoulder and running to the couch.

"CHARLES PUT ME DOWN!" I yell laughing

"If you say so" he chuckles before dropping me on the couch and laying on top of me

Our noses are practically touching "oh hello" I smile

"How you doin'" he smirks. I laugh at his weird catchphrase.

"I'm doin' good baby how you doin'" I say mocking him

"and this is why I love you" he smiles before kissing me

It gets more heated and you know what happened next....


We lay on the couch still tangled in each other. My head rests on his chest and I trace little shapes on his chest.

"I want you to meet my family" Charlie blurts

"Ok. But what if they hate me?" I ask worried

"They won't and even if they did they aren't the ones in love with you. I am" he says kissing my forehead

"Ok. So! When are we going to Dieppe?" I mock in a horrible Canadian accent

He laughs "I was thinking sometime next week? Kenny gave us the next 2 weeks off anyways" Charlie suggests

"I'd love to." I smile

"Good" he says holding me tighter

"I love ya"

"I love you too Gills-Pie" I smirk

~Authors Notes~

Heyy guys! This is a short chapter but I couldn't stop thinking about their argument. lol

I kept thinking 'what's gonna happen next?' Even though I'm the one writing it and I have the whole rest of the book planned out lol

Since this chapter is so short I might upload another later! Stay tuned!

Bye loves!


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