Chapter 18

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I wake up to someone banging on my door. I get up and groggily answer to Madison with red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"He dumped me." She cries and I bring her into my embrace.

"I'm gonna kill him." I mumble rubbing her back, shutting the door and guiding her to my bedroom.

I just hold her and let her get all the tears out before I start asking questions.

Charlie walks in with a concerned look on his face, I mouth 'talk later' and he nods walking back out.

"Did he say why he broke up with you?" I ask

"H-he said that it was moving too fast." She cries

"Do you want me to talk to him?" I ask pulling out my phone

"If it's not an issue. I know it might be awkward since he's your brother."

"Oh Mads it's not an issue" I quickly click on his contact and put it on speaker

It rings for a while but he finally answers

"Hello?" He whispers

It sounds like he's been crying.

"Oli? What did you do?" I ask rhetorically

"I fucked up. I l-love her, I'm just so scared of hurting her or getting hurt." He cries

"Well bro you have to admit your feelings, because clearly you can't be apart. You obviously love each other, it's hurting you both" I say

"Y-you don't understand" He states

"How don't I understand? I was so scared of loving Charlie. Putting my guards down and letting him see the real me. Letting someone in is hard. Love is real, and raw and lemme tell ya it's fucking confusing. But In the end, it's worth it"

"Now, Madison is here at my apartment so you better come and get yo girl. Got it?" I add

"Got it, and Olivia?"

"Yeah Oli?" I ask

"Thanks, and I love you!"

"No problem. Love ya too bruva."

The call disconnects and I look over at Madison, she looks stunned.

"H-he loves me?" She says cracking a small smile

"He loves you!" I yell

"HE LOVES ME!" We jump around my room squealing until Owen and Charlie come running in


"YA WHAT'S HAPPENING?" Charlie yells

"OWEN OUR BROTHER IS IN LOOOOOVE!" I yell still panting from jumping like a crazy person

"I'M IN LOOOOOVE BOYS!" Madison yells happily

"Oliver. Oliver. Our brother. A boy that is scared of relationships. Is in love?" Owen asks shocked

"I know! I was so shocked." I state "It only took him breaking up with her to realize." I mumble

"What?" Charlie and Owen say in unison

"WHO CARES I'M IN LOVE!" Madison squeals making me laugh

"You guys gotta stop squeaking, we're gonna get evicted." Owen laughs

I hear the door fling open. I rush and find Oliver looking around the apartment frantically

"OLIVER PATRICK JOYNER!" I scream hugging him


"Ha ha very funny. Now where is she?" He asks

"I'm here." Madison shyly says "and I love you too." She says making Oliver blush

They run to each other and kiss "ya ew no" Owen says pulling them apart

"Go back to your apartment." Charlie says pushing them out the door

"NO HANDS OLIVER!" I yell after them causing him to flip me off

We laughed and shut the door.

"I want cookies" I say taking out the ingredients

"I'm gonna go play Mario on the switch" Owen says

I put the butter in the microwave to melt but Charlie's gaze is burning a hole in the back of my head. I turn

"What's up Gillepsie?" I ask "w-we're you actually scared of loving me?" He asks nervously

I sigh and hop up on the counter, "well yes. But it's mostly because I've only ever been in one serious relationship and that ended horribly"

He looks at me confused as if asking me to continue. "We dated from junior year to senior year. We were that annoying lovey dovey couple. Everyone thought we were gonna get married right after we graduated, honestly so did I" I pause when the microwave beeps

I hop off the counter and take it out and begin measuring the ingredients

"But he cheated on me then said it it was my fault. And if I wasn't so stupid he wouldnt of done what he did. For a while I thought it was my fault. Ricky and Owen noticed me start to act strained around him. Until I finally broke up with him three days before our anniversary" I quickly state

"Oh" is all he says

"B-but you know that I'd never hurt you, right? You know I love you?" He says quietly

I turn and hug him, "baby I'm not scared of loving you anymore. I love you and you love me. Besides our relationship is showing me that the relationship I had with he who shall not be named" we chuckle at my Harry Potter reference "was actually pretty toxic"

He sighs in relief, "good because we're in it for the long haul."

I finish making the cookies. Owen, Charlie and I decide to watch Jaws.

"Bro why would he let his kids swim in the water if he knew there was a shark?" Owen asks confused (A/N does anyone get my jaws reference? I just rewatched it ans realized nobody in that movie used common sense lmao)

"I don't really know. Also shouldn't the mom be more concerned and not let her kids in the boat? Like what the actual fuck." Charlie rants

"Guys chill it's a movie from the 70's" I laugh

"Good point" "touché" they say in unison

The rest of the night we pretty much just binged on old movies and ate cookies.

~Authors Notes~

Heyyyyy guys! Are you enjoying the story so far? I feel like it's pretty boring but don't worry it's gonna get jUicY pretty soon.



Bye loves Elly🤍

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