Chapter 13

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About a month has passed. Charlie and I are still taking our relationship relatively slow. Nobody else knows yet except Ricky. He only knows because he knows me better than anyone.

I was honestly scared to tell Owen, but I know I have to tell him soon.

Charlie and I haven't labeled our relationship, so I really don't know what we are. All I know is it's pretty great.

We aren't a PDA 'couple' we occasionally kiss and even then it's just a peck. We cuddle though. Quite a lot.

Today is finally the day for Charlie and I to film Perfect Harmony. I'm so nervous but so excited for this opportunity.

"Are you ready, Bug?" Charlie asks. He calls me random stuff, it really just depends on the day. Sometimes he calls me, sunshine, or Grace. Other days it's something random like, bunny. He mostly calls me Bug though.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I sigh. He grabs my hand and rubs it with his thumb reassuringly. "You're gonna be amazing, bubs"

Bubs? That's a new one

I just smile

"What?" He asks


"Just tryin' something new for m'lady" he smiles. I laugh

"Ok Gills-pie"

He rolls his eyes playfully and we walk out to the set.


Charlie and I get in our places and get ready for our dance/song.

The music begins to play and Charlie starts to sing..

Step into my world

We make intense eye contact

Bittersweet love story bout' a girl

Shook me to the core

We start to walk towards each other

Voice like an angel, never heard before

We finally make it to each other when it's my turn to sing

Here in front of me

We begin to dance, picking up speed and slowing back down again.

Shining so much brighter

Than I have never seen

Once we're done, Charlie and I are staring into each other's eyes and panting. The dance had a lot of quick and intricate movements so we got tired pretty quick.

"That was great guys! I just need a few more takes at different angles so take 5 and come on back!" Kenny praises

I really wanted to talk to the girls but they didn't have any scenes today so they were at school. Jeremy and Owen are at the Orpheum for a scene. So right now it's just Charlie and I.

Well. Charlie, about a hundred Netflix workers, and I. But still I'll take as much time 'alone' with Charlie as I can. Even if we aren't really alone.

"Liv?" Charlie asks

"What's up Char?" I say before taking a drink of my water.

"Can we have a movie night?"

"Ooh that sounds fun."

"Cool. We should binge Disney movies"

"Yes! Also I think it's time." I say taking another drink from my water.

"T-time? For what?" He rubs the back of his neck nervously

"To tell Owen. A-about us." I stutter. I know that Owen has always been supportive to me about everything but I'm still a bit nervous. I mean me, his twin sister, is in a relationship with his best friend! If I've seen my fair share of movies like this and they never end well.

"Are you sure it's time?" He asks

"I don't want to but I feel bad for keeping this from him for so many weeks" I frown

"It'll be ok, Sunshine" he rubs my arms reassuringly

I pull him into a hug "I hope so, because I really like you."

Charlie laughs softly and hugs me back, "I really like you too."

"Charlie Gillespie and Olivia Joyner? Kenny needs you guys to the set" a voice over the intercom says

We sigh, "ready to rock this thing?"

"For a second and third time? Sure" I laugh


That day flew by. Maybe it was just my nerves but I don't really know.

Charlie and I are back at our apartment waiting for Owen.

"I'm scared Char."

"It'll be fine, Bug." He smiles, "he's supported you through everything it's gonna go great"

I smile back but it quickly fades when Owen walks through the door, "I'm home!"

I sigh "Hey Owen? Can we talk to you for a sec?" I ask nervously

"Um sure?" Owen says confused, sitting on the couch.

"So um-" I start but Charlie cuts me off

"Olivia and I are dating!" He blurts

I look at him wide eyed but shift my gaze to Owen. Who holds a shocked but emotionless expression.

"Owen I-I'm sorry" "for what Olivia?"

"Huh?" Charlie and I both ask taken aback

"Well it's about time!"

"Huh?" We repeat

"Well it's obvious that you love each other." He states in a 'duh' tone.

"What do you mean?" Charlie asks

"Well you sir, make goo-goo eyes at Olivia."

Charlie blushes

"And you Liv, blush at every little touch, and basically anything Charlie does"

I blush as well

"Not to mention you give each other the look." Owen adds

"What do you mean?" I ask

"The look of pure love and admiration. Mom and Dad used to look at each other like that."

I look down.

"We have a look?" Charlie smirks

"I guess so." I shrugg laughing slightly

"But if you hurt her I will murder you AND Glenda." Owen points out

Charlie gasps, "not Glenda! Besides-" he looks at me and smiles, "I would never hurt her." I smile back

Well that went better than expected...

Authors notes


Anyways...... do you have any feedback?

I feel like this book is kinda crappy ngl. WHATEVERRRR lmao

Bye loves!


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