Chapter 11

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"That was great you guys!" Jeremy praises Madison and Jada after they sang yet another Taylor Swift song.

Jeremy, Owen, and Charlie sing some random songs from high school musical. Charlie and Owen sing you're the one that I want from Grease. Everyone else sings a few songs as well.

"Liv, Char? How about you guys sing something?" Owen asks

Charlie and I exchange looks, "let's do this." We say in unison.

We decided to sing Perfect by Ed Sheeran but of course the duet version.

Charlie pulls up the karaoke version on the TV, and hands me a microphone. I take a deep breath as Charlie sings his part.

I'm in awe of his voice. It's so smooth, like he was made to sing. We don't lose our eye contact. I just stare into his gorgeous green-brown eyes. I could stare into them forever.

Then it's my turn to sing. Charlie gives me a reassuring smile. I return a small toothless grin and begin.

As I'm singing it's like Charlie and I are the only two in the room. We were so focused on each other and the song that when it ended we didn't even realize everyone start clapping.

"HOLY CRAP GUYS!" Madison squeals

"That was amazing sis!" Owen agrees

"Yea it was really good!" Jeremy smiles

"It was awesome! But I have to go. My dad is downstairs" jada frowns

"Awe you're my ride so I guess I gotta go too!" Madi frowns as well.

"And I should probably go home to the wife" Jeremy adds

We all say our goodbyes and just like that it's just the three of us again.

"Thank you guys so much for this" Owen thanks

"No problem man" Charlie says

"I didn't even do anything, O" I laugh

"Yes you did! You were there for me and gave me one of your famous but also not-so-famous pep talks."

I smile "it's my sisterly duty" I pose with my hand on my hip.

Owen decides to head to bed so it's just Charlie and I.

It's pretty silent besides the TV playing friends.

"H-hey Oli?"

"Ya Char?"

"Wanna d-do something tomorrow? Like j-just the t-two of us?" I laugh at his stuttering. Why is he so nervous?

"Sure? Why are you so nervous?" I chuckle

"I-I don't know." He let's out a breath

We watch friends for a while but during the 8th episode I feel myself falling asleep. My head that was already on Charlie's shoulder falls to his chest.

He wraps his warm arms around me. I smile to myself and let the drowsiness take over.


Charlie and I just finished our scenes for today and are in his bright orange car.

"It's been months and I still can't believe you bought this freaking bright orange car" I laugh.

"Hey don't diss my car. Glenda has feelings" he says rubbing his steering wheel.

"Glenda? You named your car Glenda?." I ask laughing

This is what I loved about Charlie. His goofy personality. Sure to make me laugh even if I'm at my lowest. His personality is just so pure.

"Yes! Glenda is a great name, O. It fits her personality very well." Charlie fake acts hurt.

"Whatever you say Gills-pie" I giggle.

We continue to bater and sing at the top of our lungs with all the windows down. People look at us strange at the red lights but whatever.

"So where are we even going?" I ask turning down the volume on the Sam Smith song that was playing.

"That is for only me to know, that IS how a surprise works" he smirks

"So you're not gonna tell me ANYTHING?" I plead

"Nope" he says popping the 'p'

I pout and lean down in my seat.

After a few minutes of pouting we pull up to a beautiful cliff side view.

"Woah buddy are you gonna murder me?" I ask.

"Well that depends" he smirks, I look at him with a fake scared expression "NO, no! Of course not" he laughs

"Mmhmm" I laugh unbuckling.

We get out of the car and I'm in awe of what I see in front of me.....

~Authors Notes~


Anywhozies, sorry for posting later than usual!

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Bye loves!


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