twenty two

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"Hey guys," Quinn fiddled with her fingers under the desk, Clay was sitting next to her, his arm wrapped around her waist, trying to calm her, "Uh so, we broke the internet."

The morning after Christmas, Quinn and Clay were trending, and the fandom exploded reposting the pictures they posted, and searching through every ounce of content they ever created together finding times that they looked like a couple. It was overwhelming, with both positive and negative feedback. Those who were positive gushed about their favorite streamers finally getting together, to which Clay laughed with a small "If only they knew."

 The negative comments called Quinn out, wondering if Vanessa was right about them being together behind her back. It was harder for Quinn to ignore those comments.

Currently the couple was sitting in front of Quinn's computer in her apartment. Ellie had moved out, and she finally had the place to herself. It was bittersweet.

"Alright," Clay said, ready to get down to business, "We're together. You knew that. You know that. Besides the point, today we're going to be trying to beat Minecraft while only using one hand each."

"Dream, pump the brakes," Quinn laughed out a little, "I feel like you just dumped a lot on them. Let's give it some time to sink in? Maybe? Just a suggestion?"

"Why? They know," Clay motioned to the camera, to the chat, "We know," He motioned between the two of them, "What else is there to talk about?"

Quinn gave him a side smirk. He was right, but still she thought she wanted to talk to her viewers about the stuff that was happening, "I mean, we could talk about what comes next?"

This piqued his interest, "So tell me then, what comes next?" He wanted to hear what Quinn had to say.

"Well for starters, I will be posting two videos next week, because we're gonna be in New York in the middle of January, so don't be surprised if we drop off the internet for a bit," Quinn took Clay's hand under the desk, "Also, content stuff is changing, and you guys should be aware. Sap and Ellie have moved in together, so it'll be harder for me to make content with Ellie, but I can assume Dream and Sapnap content will continue."

"Duh," Clay nodded, "Just less IRL stuff, and George is moving out soon, so I will be in the house all by myself. So my videos are about to be a lot louder..." There was a devious smile on his face.

"As for us..." Quinn looked at him expectantly, "We're still trying to figure everything out. So please just be patient with us," Quinn smiled at the chat, who was as sweet as ever.

"Yes, good point. Minecraft?" Clay looked at her with puppy dog eyes. Quinn just laughed at him, before switching her tabs opening Minecraft.

"You are so impatient," she teased.

"I haven't done a challenge video like this in forever, it's been so...." Clay wanted to choose his words carefully, "busy."

Quinn ignored him, and started to explain the concept of the challenge. Basically, Quinn and Clay were going to try to beat Minecraft together, except Quinn was only going to use her left hand, and Clay was gonna use his right, and they were gonna beat the game. Was it an excuse to just hold hands for an entire Twitch stream? Yes, of course.

It was so easy to fall back into rhythm with each other. It wasn't long before Quinn was laughing too hard to function, and Clay yelled incoherent stress noises at her.

"Quinn... Fucking zombie! Move!" Clay begged, desperately wanting to unclasp his hand from hers and move the character himself. Quinn was practically doubled over in laughter, seeing how stressed he had become.

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