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"Hey guys, I wanted to do more of a chill stream today, maybe just practice speedrunning, and chatting to you guys, because there are a lot of things we should talk about," Quinn clicked on the twitch stream as soon as she saw the notification. Dreamwastaken is live!

She was laying in her bed, watching nervously. After that day with Nick's alt stream, all Quinn could do was apologise. She apologised to Clay, she apologised to Vanessa, she apologised to the fans, it had been two weeks and she hadn't streamed. She was still embarrassed. Even just watching Clay play minecraft felt like an invasion of his privacy. Still she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

He had his facecam on, but she could tell it was a last second decision, because it wasn't where it normally sat, the angle was different, and Quinn could see more of his side profile as he focused on the game. She felt bad, watching him like this, she was guilty, and it was driving her up the wall.

Chat was exploding with messages, announcing her arrival, and she resisted the urge to groan into her pillow, she couldn't even watch Clay in private. It was kind of annoying her a little extra today, but it very well could be that she knows that she can't just join his stream anymore. Vanessa was very clear with her boundaries, and after almost shit-talking her on stream, Quinn was being especially careful not to cross them. Her career could be at stake.

"Why are you guys saying Quinn? She's not here, is she?" Clay side-eyed the chat careful to not take his eyes off his game for too long, "Quinn if you're here say something."

She clicked on the chat bar, her fingers hovering over the keyboard, as if she was tempting herself. Instead, she closed out of his stream, sighing deeply. The past two weeks, Quinn has felt, trapped, in her own room.

She rose from her bed and went into the kitchen, dialling Ellie's number. As she passed Clay's door she heard him say her name, and paused for a moment, curious.

"Guys, Quinn and I are friends. She's my best friend, and I love her very much, but not in the way that you guys think. She's taking a break from streaming, and that's all her decision, but it's not about me and Vanessa. I'm not mad, I'm not upset, okay? Like I said, Quinn is my best friend, and I love her."

Her heart sank, she didn't know what she was expecting, but she could only think about one thing, I love her.

She called Ellie, who answered almost immediately.

"Oh my gosh, you're alive?" The blond joked over the phone, "oh wait, I'm mad at you."

"What'd I do?" Quinn tucked her phone in between her ear and her shoulder, while she moved around the kitchen, debating what she wanted to make for dinner.

"You disappeared! You haven't streamed for weeks, you've been off of Twitter, and you haven't opened my Snap from five days ago, it was a cute dog video!" Ellie sounded like she was really worried, in an Ellie sort of way, Quinn started to feel a little bad, "I had to DM Sapnap, to make sure that you weren't MIA."

"I'm so sorry, Ellie, really, I just... I haven't been on social media, and I've turned all my notifications off. I've been a mess, El, it's bad," Quinn admitted into the phone.

"Oh babes, I heard. Sapnap told me, and I've been watching your hashtag, your people miss you Quinn," Ellie was smiling with her words, "And I miss you too, you have to come stay with me sometime, I need more girl time."

Quinn watched the pot of water she placed on the stove start to boil, so she dumped the spaghetti noodles into the water and put the lid on the pot, "I miss you too El, I'll come stay with you soon, I promise, there's just some stuff that I should probably deal with first."

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