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"Guys, it's been a while since we've done anything fun as a group!" Clay announced this one night at dinner, trying to get a reaction from the group, Clay was bored, like he usually was these days. 

"What do you mean? We do fun stuff together all the time," George shot back, pushing his food around his plate, he had a bad habit of snacking all day, so when it was dinnertime, he wasn't hungry. 

"Yeah, okay, on stream, but we've all streamed this week, no one else has any big plans, let's do something fun tonight," Quinn eyed Clay suspiciously.

"And what did you have in mind, green boy?" Quinn was up for a little fun, she had to agree with Clay, it had been too long.

"Okay, first off, green boy? Get it, I guess, secondly, I dunno, I was just seeing if that something you guys would be interested in doing." He shrugged, waiting for someone else to come up with an idea.

"Okay, so what if we played jackbox? Like the four of us?" Nick suggested.

"We play jackbox all the time," George whined, "nothing that we do on stream."

"We could," Quinn knew the boys would agree, "Drink a little bit and then play jackbox? You guys are only funny when I'm tipsy."

Nick hit the back of her head softly, "We're funny!" He argued, "But I wouldn't oppose drinking a little bit, it's been a long week."

There was a specific rule in the house, whenever they drank, everyone had to put their phones on the counter plugged in, and no one was allowed to touch them until they were completely sober the next morning. This rule was put into place after Clay drunk tweeted the words 'Goreg just fell aselep , why doeshe drink?' It was a little awkward to explain the next morning. So the rule was put in place to keep from any further casualties.

"We probably couldn't play jackbox, like because of the phone thing, but we could play something else?" Clay suggested, "maybe like a wii game?" 

"Oh hell yeah," Nick shouted, "I could kick your ass in Mario Kart. 

"That could be fun," Quinn nodded at him, "I'm gonna go shower and put comfy clothes on then," she stood from the dinner table, throwing her plate into the garbage, and making her way back to her room.

Quinn's room was always colder than the other rooms in the house, except for Clay's. It was a little smaller, so when the AC was blasting, Quinn always used more blankets, but now she was kind of used to the chilly atmosphere, still she gathered her shower stuff and a hoodie, because it would keep her comfortable.

When she turned the shower on, the warm water began to warm up the whole bathroom. Quinn shuddered in a comfortable way. She let the room around her slowly warm her body. She sighed out a deep breath, tonight was going to be a good night. She decided to skip out on the drinking. 

Quinn didn't want to accidentally tell Clay about her feelings. That would probably kill her. This way nothing weird was going to happen, it was gonna be okay.

Quinn showered quickly and got ready for a fun night of staying in with her boys. When she headed back to the kitchen she was met with the boys all ready to get started. 

"So what're we playing? Mario Kart?" Quinn approached the table where Nick and George were sitting and silently talking.

"Hey Quinn," Clay came up next to her, "Can I talk to you for a second? Like before we play any of the games?"

There was something about his tone that made Quinn's heart stop beating. When she looked at him, there was nothing that she could see behind his eyes and that made her incredibly nervous. Still she nodded him, and followed him into his room. Quinn had no idea what was happening.

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