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Quinn had set the title, We need to talk. And then clicked "Go Live," watching the starting soon screen begin to countdown.

After her freakout on Vanessa last night, Quinn knew that she had to answer questions and explain everything, honestly. She knew now that she wasn't bound to silence or playing nice. She had been through hell because of Vanessa, and it was finally time to let people know.

"Hi guys, I know we have been having some pretty serious streams lately, and I do really apologize for that, so I have a bunch of fun Christmas type stuff planned for next week, but for now I feel like I should answer the questions you guys have been asking for several months. I haven't had the ability to be honest with you guys, and as many of you have probably seen on Twitter this morning, there is a reason for that. I want to start by saying, I am sorry for the way I responded. It was not fair for me to let my emotions get the better of me and I know I should be setting a better example for you guys, I'm sorry that I reacted in the way that I did." Quinn couldn't feel a single thing. She felt so still. It was a little earlier than she was used to streaming, but she wanted to have a chance to explain before the internet blew things out of proportion.

"That being said, I know a lot of you have been wondering why everything changed so abruptly. So strap yourselves in, because it's a wild story. Back in February, March-ish, Clay and I had talked about being together, officially. At the time we had feelings for each other, but decided that for the sake of our careers, it would be best to stay professional. Which was hard, but we figured out a way to make it work," Quinn was watching as the chat lost their shit over the fact that a ship had almost sailed, "I know guys. I know. But not too long after he met Vanessa. And from the get-go, she didn't like me. I had no idea why, I just knew that it wasn't my place to do anything crazy. This is when she had posted on Twitter that her and Clay were together. Seeing this, I was shocked, and a little hurt, and I went to Nick for comfort, that's when he was unmuted, and you guys could hear us on his alt stream. After that, I knew I was on thin ice." Quinn couldn't help but cringe at the memory of the next part of the story.

"Everything was fine until Clay and Nick got a little too drunk and Clay had come to me and admitted that he still had some type of feelings for me. I refused him many times, but Vanessa had actually been there to witness most of his confession, and she told me to pack my stuff. At first, I didn't understand how I could be at fault, or why she had threatened me behind Clay's back, telling me that she would end my career. But out of fear and respect, I packed. The Next morning George and Nick tried to stop me from leaving, but I knew I couldn't stay. So I showed up on Ellie's doorstep, and like the angel she is, she took me in and nursed me back to health." Quinn watched as messages of sympathy scrolled through chat, telling her how strong she was for being so quiet about it.

"When I first moved in, I couldn't eat, I couldn't stream, all I wanted to do was sleep and cry. I was so upset with Clay, he had taken Vanessa's side, I didn't live with the boys and I felt alone and heartbroken. Vanessa had somehow gotten my phone number and told me to block Clay, so I did, out of respect. I didn't hear from him for a month or two. Which was when I started streaming again. I do have to say, if anything, I'm glad everything changed so abruptly, because my content changed and grew with it. And so did the community. So I am extremely thankful for that. There isn't a lot more to the story, except for the fact that Vanessa leaked the conversation pictures on her Twitter right after she broke up with Clay, and I think it was her attempt at trying to make good on her threat to me. Part of her was successful, because of how stressed I was trying to figure out what everything meant. But the other part of me, a much bigger part, was confident that you guys were going to be understanding of my explanation. And you were. You guys really are the best." Quinn took a second to herself to breathe. Now that she had been able to be fully honest with her audience, she felt so much better. She promised in her chat that she was going to be streaming with a bunch of different people next week, before the holiday was here, and she ended her stream, feeling much better now that everyone knew the truth.

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