Chapter 14:

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I realize Emily is in the room, she knows.

"JJ you need to be looked at," she says concerned, "stress like this isn't good for the baby."

I walk with Emily and she gets me checked out by the doctor. Everything was ok. I wait hours until I hear anything about Reid.

"He is out of surgery," he says lightly, "he is awake and stable."

I run into his room and see him smile at me.

"Spence I'm so sorry," I say crying, "I never meant for this to happen."

"JJ it's ok, did he do anything to you? Have they caught him?"

"No, but I do have some news I wanted to tell you." I say with a small smile.

Just then I hear the fire alarm sound. Nurses rush to get patients out. We walk out side and I see Will with the gun. It's a trap.

"SPENCE, NO," I yell.

It was too late, Will had shot at him again, but he missed. I run towards Spence and shove him back into the hospital. Police run trying to find Will, but he is no where in sight. I call Hotch.

"Isn't there some way to find him? What if I look for him maybe he will-," I ramble on.

"JJ I will most certainly not let you anywhere near him. We will be placing you and Reid into witness protection until he is caught," he says sternly.

"But Hotch, I can be on his case right? After all I know him!"

"I'm sorry JJ but that is way too dangerous. Especially with a baby on the way?" He questions.

I'm speechless, not knowing what to argue against him. I hear the line hang up.

1 month after Will's shooting, still JJ's POV:

It's been almost a month since I've talked to our team, a month since I've heard about Will, and a month since I was going to tell Spence  about the pregnancy.

"Spence, I know it's not really the best time," I start,  "but I need to tell you this."

"It's nothing bad is it?" He asks worried.

"Well, not to me but it could be."

I stare at the floor them back into his honey colored eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

"Wait what, we haven't.."

"I know, I was going to tell you sooner, but things happened, then I wasn't supposed to say anything because it could raise your heart rate and it could've cause you to go back into cardiac arrest if it upset you."

He hugs me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"JJ that's amazing," he says holding my stomach.

"I just wish they could find Will already. I want to go home, and forget about him".

"They will get him, don't worry. Since we will be starting a family... how do you feel about moving? We could get a house, make a nursery... unless that's too soon."

"No it's sounds perfect," I say dreaming of what a future with him would look like.

Hotch's POV:

It's been a month since we have seen Will. Garcia has done everything she can including some very illegal things. We have went back to Louisiana to find no sign of him. We haven't been in touch with JJ or Reid since the hospital either. Knowing Will, he will be hiding somewhere meaningful to him and JJ. Unless I can get in touch with her, we won't find him. I buy a burner phone to contact her.

"JJ it's Hotch," I say calling her.

"Have you found Will?" She asks hopefully.

"Sorry, no. That is what I've called you about. Is there any places meaningful to the two of you?"

"Obviously nothing about us is meaningful to me now. Before.. well you know, we used to go to this park. It was Quantico Municipal Park."

"Thank you JJ, we will look into it."

"Wait Hotch, can you call me and let me know when you find him?"

"Sure JJ, just make sure all three of you are safe."


I hang up. Quantico Municipal Park, that's where we will go. I gather the team as we head to the park, S.W.A.T. units on call as soon as we see him. We scour the entire park not seeing any sign of him. We come across a small rock cave, deciding to head in, as it's one of the last places to look for him.

"Clear," I say checking my section.

"Clear," I hear Emily say.

"Guys I got something," Morgan halfway whispers.

On the ground we see a man snoring, surrounded by beer and whiskey bottles. I look, hoping to identify him as Will, but I can't tell.

"Let's bring him in, if it is Will, we don't want to lose him again," I say sternly.

I'm surprised I'm not able to surly identify Will. We wake him up, but he's so drunken he has no idea where he is or who we are. We take him back, giving him plenty of water trying to sober him up.

In the morning Morgan's POV:

I go into the interrogation room to see our 'Will'. I walk in and a look of recognization washes over his face. I'm no genius like Reid, but I'm 99 percent sure we have our guy. He begins to speak still drunk.

"Where's that bitch at?" He asks with bloodshot eyes.

I need him to say both JJ and Reid's name to know it's Will.

"Who?" I ask.

"That little slut who ran off with her boyfriend," he screams at me.

"Use names or I don't tell you anything," I say calmly.

"JJ and that son of a bitch that stole my whore," he yells spitting on me.

I walk out the room closing the door. He's definitely Will alright. I bring in some water.

"Ok, I'll tell you what you want, but what do I get in return?" I ask.

"I ain't doing shit for you bitch," he says throwing the water at the wall.

It takes all my willpower not to walk up to him and beat the living shit out of him. I want nothing more than to torture him, make him pay for what he has done to JJ and Reid. As much as I want to, I can't because I need that confession.

"Then I guess that's your answer to what you want," I say as I walk out smoothly.

"If you don't tell me where the hell they are I'm gonna shoot ALL of you, and once I find them I'm not only gonna beat JJ, I'm not even gonna shoot Reid again. I will use them against each other and make them suffer," he says in psychotic tone.

"That right there, was a confession. You just stated that you have previously shot and abused two FBI agents. Your under arrest you son of a bitch," I say.

He gives me a look that could kill. I walk out to speak with Hotch.

"We need to let JJ and Reid know that we have Will. They will need to stay put until the gets his sentence. Since they are FBI agent's, I can likely move up the case," he says in a happy but at the same time angry tone.

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