Chapter 8:

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A week later, JJ's POV:

It's been about a week since I left my house. Hotch helped me gather all my things and I now have a restraining order against Will. I'm still living with Reid but I don't think he minds, after all we're are best friends.

"We have a lot of vacation days saved you know," I say scheming.

"Where are you going with this?" He's asks grinning.

"What if we go to Florida? I really want to go to Disney. It'd be nice to get away from everything for just a bit. You know, forget about what a mess my life has become?" I say hopefully.

"While your life is not a complete mess...a break would be nice actually..." he trails off.

"Please say you'll go with me!"

"Well, I'm obviously not gonna let you go alone," he says laughing.

I give him a kiss on the cheek, which no, it's not unusual for me to do. I get on my laptop so I am able to plan. Two adult tickets, to Hollywood Studios and to the Magic Kingdom. I also make sure to purchase fast passes. I look at hotel rooms thinking of getting a suite. That should be good right? I finalize the details with Spence. Then I schedule our flight to Orlando, which ended up being at 10:00. We would leave in the morning. We begin to pack for 5 days worth. By the time we pack enough for the trip, it's already 9pm. Might as well head to bed. I climb in bed, laying on Reid.

"This is gonna be fun," I say thinking of how the trip might be.

"Very," he says while rubbing my back.

I begin thinking about how much closer we had gotten. Living together made us seem more like a couple, only we weren't, and he doesn't feel that way about me. I drift to sleep with these thoughts present in my mind.

Reid's POV:

I wake up to JJ practically jumping on me.

"Spence come on!!! I want to be early to our flight," she says already dressed.

She was wearing aviators, a teal crop top, jean shorts, and come white converse. I look to see she had already laid out clothes for me. Everything from sunglasses to socks and shoes. Who knew she wanted to get away so badly, but the reason why was well known. I look at the clock, 8:31am. Well, I had slept later than I intended. With our flight at 10:00, I get up to dress. We leave at 8:52am on the dot.  By the time we arrive at the airport, we only have to wait 5 minutes and 13 seconds before boarding the plane. Within 3 hours, we arrive in Orlando, Florida.

"Why don't we take a picture?" JJ says glowing.

She holds up the camera making sure to get the palm trees behind us. I take a look and see the picture came out amazing. The sun was just shining above the palm trees with JJ holding me close.

"We're staying at a Disney hotel, so we'd better check in," she says calling for an Uber.

As the Uber arrives, JJ tells him where we're headed. Reaching the hotel, it's already 2:14!

"I didn't realize it was getting so late, we'd better get checked in and unpack."

"You two have room 428, enjoy your stay," the lady at the front desk says with a grin.

We walk into the room, noticing how big it was. A king sized bed, with a couch, a pretty big kitchen, a walk in closet, and a bathroom containing a jacuzzi tub! I couldn't wait to spend the week here.

"Sooo... do you like it?"

"It's perfect," I say taking a seat on the couch.


I go cuddle up next to Spence, turning on the tv. I turn on to see "Impractical Jokers".

"I love this show," He says scooting to lay down.

I scoot down with him as we watch it. Before we realize it 3 episodes had played and it was already 5pm. I hear my stomach growl.

"How about an early dinner?" I ask questioningly

"Yea what about door dash?"

"That sounds great."

We begin picking out what we want. I choose the steak and cheese footlong from subway, knowing I very well can't finish it. Spence chooses a Beefy 5- layer Burrito from Taco Bell. About an hour later our door dash arrives. When he arrives I pay him, giving him a five dollar tip. Spence and I sit down eating our dinner when I get a text from Garcia.



Sorry, it was a spur of the moment trip! Nothing is happening between me and Spence anyways.
How did you even know about the trip?

Oh and Derek told me

And how did he know?

Well, from Reid duh

I wonder why Spence would tell him we are together? Does it mean anything? No, he obviously just wanted to tell him why we wouldn't be at work.

"It's almost 8:50," Spence says breaking up my thoughts, "I'm gonna get in the shower."

He gets up from the couch and begins taking off his shirt as he walks. Next comes the pants as he walks to the bedroom. He walks into the bathroom, and shuts the door. I begin cleaning up the mess of the plastic dishes and put our drinks and leftovers in the fridge. I turn around to see Spence walk out in his towel. His hair still wet and beads of water dripping down his chest. Even though I see him like this everyday it still makes me blush.

"Have you seen my tooth brush?" he asks looking around.

"N-no," I stay still distracted, "did you look in the suitcase again?"

"No, oh I see it," he says looking on a counter, "I must have set it down there."

He reaches to grab it when his towel slips. I turn around, but not in time to keep his manhood out of sight. I feel my heart rate quicken at the moment and I squeeze my legs together, feeling slightly aroused. To be fair, it had been a while since I was able to have sex.

"Fuck," he says in shock, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to cuss, or drop my towel."

I laugh, "We're adults Spence, we're aloud to cuss. Is your towel back on?" I ask wanting to turn back around.

"Yea, I didn't flash you or anything did I?"

I turn around to see his face blood red. He seemed really embarrassed.

"No," I lie handing him the tooth brush.

He gives me a nervous laugh and goes back into the bathroom. I think back and realize I was tempted to look once more. What the hell is wrong with me. Spence is my best friend, I shouldn't think of him that way. I rub my eyes as I get my towel ready to take a shower.

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