Chapter 1:

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I listen as the creaky front door begins to open. It must be Will coming home from another bar or strip club. When we first met he wasn't like this, but that all changed too quickly. I suck in a breath and let it out shakily. I'm so tired, but I know if I don't do what he wants I'll be in even more trouble.

"Hey Bitch, get your ass in here," he bellows.

I quickly walk in, not wanting to get hit again. I notice he has a beer bottle in his hand, and he is smoking weed. He's obviously very drunk. He grabs me by my face, his hand clamping on my jaw. I try as hard as I can to not cry. Weakness only makes him entertained.

"What's wrong Whore, you know you like it," he says spitting on my face.

I'm overwhelmed with the smell of beer and wine. I can no longer hold it in, and I begin to weep. This causes him to become angry, as he grabs me by my throat and he squeezes. I feel less weight on my feet as I'm being lifted by my throat.

"W-Will I can't b-brea,-" I watch his grin as my vision slowly goes black.
I try to stay awake, but the lack of oxygen is too much for my body to handle.

I regain consciousness and begin to look around. I find myself on the couch. Will is over top of me, holding me down. I notice my shirt is gone and my pants are being ripped away. Please, not again I think to myself. I know if I scream it will be worse. I lie there and cry as I wait for him to be done. The less I fight it, the easier it becomes.

"Your lucky I use a condom on you, you Slut," he yells, "you just loved to be fucked in that little cunt of yours."

While him using a condom is true, thank god, it's not me he's doing it for. He does this so I don't end up pregnant, so he won't have to pay for it. Maybe 30 minutes goes by and he finally finishes. By the end I'm tired and weak. My body feels lifeless and it's painful to move. I feel disgusting. I feel worthless. I feel shitty. I can't help but wonder what I did wrong. What did I do to deserve this?

"You can leave now Bitch," he says with a snarl.

I try to get up but I can't feel my legs and my head is still spinning. I try to make out a sentence, but realize I'm still too stunned to speak. I breathe heavily, trying as hard as I can to escape from him before he does anything else.

"I said, get the fuck up," he yells again.

Before he even gives me another chance, he breaks his beer bottle and cuts open my left arm with it. I scream as the pain sets in. I notice the dark red blood dripping out of my cut. I see my shirt within reach so I quickly grab it. I wrap it around my arm and pull it tight, hoping to stop the blood. I eventually am able to pull myself up as I go to my room, limping up the stairs as I do so. As I lie in bed, I think about Will and how he was before he became abusive. I remember how my now abusive boyfriend was once this nice man. He would wait all day just to have a phone call with me. He made sure I always knew he was thinking about me and hoping I was okay. He would even fly down from Louisiana just to visit. He would take me to nice dinners, hang out with my co-workers, and visit at the BAU. He seemed perfect in every way and he would always do his best to make me feel the same way about myself. It all seems like nothing but a dream now. I try to think back to when he had first struck me. He was home way later than usual, at 2am. I was so worried and upset when he didn't answer my calls. I was so tempted to call the police just to make sure nothing had happened to him at his job. Eventually, he entered the front door. I immediately shot up from my position on the couch to make sure nothing was wrong.

JJ's flashback of Will:

"Will are you ok?" I asked worried.

I study his facial expressions, none of them look like the man I knew just hours before. He looks crazed and angry, a side of him I've never seen.

"What do you care, Bitch?" He asks almost screaming.

"Will, I just want to make sure your ok, you never come home this late," I say taken aback by his words.

I step backwards just a tiny bit, weary of his demeanor.

"JJ just shut the hell up, I don't need to hear from you," he says snapping at me.

"I'm sorry Will, I'm not sure what so di-," he cuts me off slapping me across my face.

I fall to my knees. My face stings and a cut runs along my cheek from his ring. I feel the flow of blood run down my face as I sit there in shock.
He just stares at me in disgust as he walks out the door.

End of Flashback:

I remember sitting there sobbing, not knowing what to do. Looking back, it was a better situation than before. I think about now, how he chokes me, cuts me, hits me, beats me, rapes me. I have the need to call Spence, since he is the only one who knows about Will's drinking. I realize he doesn't know about the abuse, so I think better of it. It's 3:28 in the morning anyways I should probably get some sleep. I just keep asking myself one question. How did I get myself into the situation, I'm an FBI agent for gods sake.

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