Chapter 4:

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I wake up feeling a slight pain in my arm making me wince. I look around, noticing this is not my house and definitely not my bed. Oh right, I'm in Spence's apartment. I can't help but wonder how I got in his bed. My mind then goes to a rather explicit thought. I didn't sleep with him did I?! No, of course not! Why would I even think that?! I slowly approach the closed door and peak out. He's asleep on the couch. Isn't that where I fell asleep though? I realize he must have put me in his bed and taken the couch instead. It feels nice to be so cared for, something I haven't experienced in a long time. I look back his way to see his chest rise and fall. He's in a deep sleep. Not knowing what to do, I lay back down in his bed. It smells just like him. That sounds incredibly creepy, but ever since yesterday it's something that has become comforting. I look around for my duffle bag and notice it's been unpacked. For a moment it slips my mind that he had put it away. I look for where my things might been and see the top drawer slightly opened. There, in the drawer my all my things neatly folded. I allow myself to smile at the endearing thought. I hear mumbling and realize he's starting to wake up. Not knowing what to do, I shut the drawer and walk out.

"Morning," I say as Spence gets up. I notice he isn't wearing a shirt.

I can feel my cheeks going red.

"Good morning," he says offering me a hug.

Still shocked, I feel my body tense then return to normal has he gives me a hug. He looks at me with his warm honey colored eyes.

"Did you want breakfast? He asks grabbing his shirt that was left on the floor.

"Oh, yea breakfast sounds great," I remember I haven't eaten in two days.

We decide to go to Waffle House yet it hadn't opened yet.

"Do you mind if I hop in the shower real quick?" He asks.

"No, of course not," I say with certain images coming to my mind.

I mentally curse myself for thinking such things. I don't know what's gotten into me, but if I'm going to be staying here a whole week I need to get my act together.

"Great, I won't be long," he says as he goes in his bathroom.

I sit on the couch and look at my phone. Will had called more than 10 times, probably furious I wasn't home yesterday. Pissed and a bit terrified of what he might say, I decide not to call him back. I need to change my clothes so I walk in Spence's room to change. I put on some new leggings and grab one of my new crop tops. Just as I take off my shirt Spence comes out with a towel around his waist. Like a deer in headlights I stare wide-eyed and blushing until I realize I don't have on a shirt.

"Oh shit," I say while hurrying out of his room.

I throw on my shirt and sit on his couch, head in my hands. I feel completely stupid and embarrassed. Spence, still in his towel, comes out with a flushed face.

"I, uh, I'm sorry JJ," he says looking away nervously.

"No, I'm sorry I should have been paying attention and I had forgotten that you were in the shower, and-," he cuts me off.

"JJ it's ok, I promise. I was just in a bit of shock," he says still with rosy cheeks.

I look at him with his towel around his waist, water dripping down his chest. I think he'd forgotten he is in a towel still.

Spence's POV:

I can't help but replay the moment in my head, causing me to feel extremely guilty. I feel bad that she's so embarrassed. I catch her stare and realize I'm still in my towel.

"Sorry, I forgot I wasn't dressed yet," I say awkwardly.

I get up, making sure to hold my towel so another mishap doesn't happen. I get dressed, changing into some jeans and a casual t-shirt. As I walk out I notice JJ massaging her temples.

"Are you ok?"I ask sitting next to her.

"Oh, yea just have a small headache," she says obviously lying, which is understandable.

"I'm sorry for staring," I blurt out.

I didn't meant to say it aloud. I go quiet as she stares with her wide blue eyes.

"Wanna forget it happened," she asks with a nervous laugh.

I wanted to say, "I'm not sure I can," but that would be extremely inappropriate of me, so instead I say, "yea definitely."

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