Chapter 3:

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I look at the clock and notice it's 6:00. I can finally leave. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but it's just been a long day. Normally I would never want to leave, but today I don't have to go home to a screaming and abusive boyfriend. Today I can to go home with my best friend without fear of being hurt. Spence gives me a look, making sure I remember what to do. A part of me is excited to stay with him, but I know I shouldn't be. After all, we're just friends and I'm not staying with him under good circumstances either. I get in my Toyota Highlander as I head to my house, nervous of who would be inside. I slowly and quietly open the door only to see Will is no where inside. I let out a sigh of relief. Great, that makes this a little easier, I tell myself. Then I realize I don't even know how long to pack for. I decide to text Spence.


Hey, I'm here

Is everything okay? Do I need to come get you?

No, I'm okay. He isn't here
How long am I supposed to pack for?
I don't want to intrude your apartment.

JJ you would never be a bother, plus I'd like the company.
I'd like you to at least stay a week?

Oh, ok I'll start packing
I'll text you when I get there

I set down my phone and begin looking in my closet. I see my duffel bag and grab it off the top shelf. It's once deep ocean blue has faded over time. I look for work pants and leggings folding to fit them in. I grab a couple of v-necks and bigger shirts to wear as well. I grab socks, some sports bras, and underwear too. I go in the bathroom and I notice how disheveled I look. Damn, have I looked like this all day? I wash up before grabbing my brush, toothpaste and toothbrush, and my makeup bag. That's all I need right? Oh my shoes! I grab my pair of new white high top Converse and shove them in, closing the bag. I might as well change into something more comfortable. I grab some lululemon leggings and a crop top. I add some old skool vans to wear as well. I notice Will still hasn't shown up, thank god. I get in my car and drive to Spence's.

Spence's POV:

I just finished cleaning up the last of the apartment when I get JJ's text.

"I'm here," it says.

I hurry down the stairs to help her with the bag.

"Hey,"I say giving her a hug. I try not to linger too long when hugging her, but her warmth is so welcoming.

I notice the duffle bag so I reach out to take it.

"Here let me help you with that."

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Yes, of course. I don't want you to have to lug it up three flights of stairs," I say.

We walk up the stairs and stop at my door. I get out my key and turn the lock. I offer JJ inside as I set her bag down in my room where I had previously made space to put her stuff away.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I ask, noticing she seems a little on edge.

"Oh, uh, yes please, I haven't had much to drink today," she says while looking around.

She goes and sits on the couch as I pour the tea. I then notice her wiping a tear from her face. I can't imagine what that bastard had done to her. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

"I heard some show called New Girl is pretty good on Netflix," I say trying to brighten her mood.

"Oh yea, I've been meaning to watch that" she puts a smile on her face, but I've known her long enough to know it's fake.

I leave to unpack her things while she watches. I'm almost through when I come across her underwear and bras. I can't help but feel somewhat of a creep. I try my best not to imagine her in them, knowing it's wrong, especially in the situation she's in. I place her empty bag in my closet before exiting my room.

"JJ I unpa-," I stop speaking when I notice she is asleep.

She must be exhausted. She flinches a bit causing me to stare. She looks so peaceful. I wonder if I should put her in my bed. After all, she needs her sleep. After deciding should, I slowly pick her up. I notice her shift towards me and cuddles closer. It makes me melt feeling her this close. I snap out of my fantasies and place her in the bed, covering her up. I look at the clock and notice it's already 8:30. Might as well just head to bed, there's nothing else to do. I grab a blanket as I head to the couch. Not even 10 minutes after laying down, I fall asleep.

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