Witch way now

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[Scene: The Bay Mirror. Phoebe's office. Phoebe's there working. She has the TV on and a psychic reading show is on. Her assistant walks in carrying a box of letters.]

Assistant: Hey, more Dear Phoebe letters, where do you want them?

Phoebe: Oh, you can just put them anywhere.

Assistant: Um, maybe we ought to keep some of these in storage.

Phoebe: No, I'll get to them.

Assistant: All of them?

Phoebe: Yes. I am on a roll.

Assistant: More like on a mission.

(Phoebe hands her some sheets of paper.)

Phoebe: Hey, will you get these to Elise please and find out which one she wants to run?

Assistant: Yeah, sure, right away. You're amazing, you know that?

Phoebe: What do you mean?

Assistant: What is your secret? Herbs? Acupuncture? (She sees the TV.) Tashmin?

Phoebe: Uh, I take it you don't believe in psychics.

Assistant: Hey, you know, if it works for you I'm all for it.

Phoebe: (to herself) It hasn't worked for me for a while. Um, you know how sometimes you just find yourself going through a really bad period in your life?

Assistant: Don't even get me started.

Phoebe: Well, let's just say I am finally coming out from underneath mine and nobody, nothing will ever bring me back to that place again.

Assistant: Good for you.

(Phoebe turns to her computer.)

Voice: Help me, Phoebe.

Phoebe: What did you just say?

Assistant: I didn't say that. (She points to the TV.) She did.

Tashmin: Help me, Phoebe.

(She looks at the TV in shock.)

[Cut to the manor. Road workers are working on the street right outside the manor. It is very noisy. Paige looks out the window from the living room.]

Paige: Did they say how much longer this was gonna go on for?

Pandora: Three weeks, which means three months. (Leo is holding a picture frame on a wall.) A little higher.

Paige: We'd better hope no demons attack, that'd be a bust, especially if one of us goes flying out the window.

Leo: I wouldn't worry about that too much, there's so much chaos in the underworld they're too busy fighting each other.

Pandora: Well, I hope it lasts. I almost forgot what it's like to lead a normal life. It's gotta go a little higher.

Leo: I need a ladder.

Piper: Leo, just hover.

Pandora: No, no, no, I don't wanna jinx anything, I'd rather we not use magic unless we absolutely have to, thank you very much.

Paige: Come on, Pandora, relax a little. Use it or lose it, lady.

(Leo hovers up and holds the picture against the wall.)

Pandora: Fine.

(Leo marks the wall with a pencil and hovers back down.)

Paige: Ah, see, no major disaster struck.

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