enter the demon

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[Scene: Manor. Basement. Phoebe is fighting with Cole. He kicks her in the stomach and she bends down.]

Cole: Don't be tense. Be ready. When you see me expand, you contract. (Phoebe looks up.) If I contract, you expand.

(They begin to fight again. Cole flips him Phoebe on the ground and then sits on top of her.)

Phoebe: If you wanted to be on top, all you had to do was ask. (A laugh comes from the stairs and Phoebe looks over to see Paige sitting there.) Uh, P-Paige. (To Cole as she slightly hits his leg.) Oh. (He gets off her and Phoebe goes to Paige.) What are you doing down here? Shouldn't you be upstairs studying for Pandora's quiz?

Paige: Well, I was kinda hoping to go a couple rounds with the demon first.

Phoebe: I should tell you, Pandora takes her witchcraft quizzes very seriously. You better be prepared. What's the subject?

Paige: Potion basics.

Phoebe: Eww.

Paige: Mm.

Phoebe: Well, you got to start somewhere.

Paige: I know. It's just a little book learning. (Cole comes up to them.)

Cole: Phoebe? (Phoebe sighs. Cole walks away.)

Phoebe: Paige, Piper Pandora and I had to learn how to be witches the hard away, and it took... well, it took too long. We need you to get there faster. Our lives may depend on it.

Paige:(sigh) Appealing to my conscious. Such a low blow.

Phoebe: Mmm. (Paige stands up.)

Paige: I just want to know when the fun stuff starts. (She leaves. Phoebe turns to Cole.)

Phoebe: So where were we?

Cole: Training.

Phoebe: Uh. Come on Cole. You were gone for a whole week. That is seven long, lonely nights.

Cole: I was on a fact finding mission. We can't ignore what I learned.

Phoebe: Yeah, I know. The Source wants us dead.

Cole: No, you don't know. He needs you dead. Ever since we escaped, factions have been forming to challenge him. He must finish what he started if he expects to survive. Which means that you need to be prepared. (Cole draws a sword.)

Phoebe: You think the Source is going to challenge me to sword fight.

Cole: Hand-to-hand combat if too safe. Sword fighting teaches confidence, intensity. (He tosses Phoebe the sword.) You need to learn how to fight like a demon, Phoebe. (He walks over toward Phoebe.) Training must come before everything. Including us. Are you ready?

Phoebe: Do I have a choice? (Cole swings the sword and Phoebe ducks. She then draws her sword.)

[Scene: Outside Garden. Yen-Lo draws his sword and sneaks in the bushes nearer to the man (Zen Master) kneels before a statue. Yen-Lo comes from behind to attack him. However, An-Ling jumps in front of him. They fight. Zen Master stands up. An-Ling unmasks Yen-Lo with.]

An-Ling: Yen-Lo! (She takes off her own masks.) This is how you repay my father? (Zen Master comes over to them.) After all he taught you, everything he gave you.

Yen-Lo: What did he give me An-Ling? I was supposed to replace him, but he passed me over... for you.

Zen Master: Yen-Lo, you took everything you've learned from here and used it for your own gain. You brought disgrace upon yourself and our monastery. Now leave us and never return.

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