the sixth halliwell

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[Scene: P4. Pandora, Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and Cole are there. Pandora and Leo, and Phoebe and Cole are snuggled closely together while Paige and Piper sit by themselves. The all clink their bottles.]

Phoebe: To our marriage.

(Phoebe nibbles on Cole's ear.)

Pandora: Hey, this is supposed to be our anniversary.

Phoebe: Oh, right. Uh, to Pandora and Leo's marriage. May ours be as successful as theirs.

Pandora: Yeah, see that still didn't sound like it was about us.

(Phoebe giggles at Cole. Pandora and Leo kiss. Paige starts to feel uncomfortable.)

Paige: Well, alright, everybody, I, uh, am gonna go, I'm tired.

Piper: i'll go with you

Cole: Wait, you can't go yet, Paige Piper. We haven't gotten to the good part.

Paige: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought watching you guys make out all night was supposed to be the highlight of my evening.

Phoebe: Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie, are we boring you?

Paige: No, no, it's just it is weird seeing a girl that wasn't the marrying type be so married.

Phoebe: Pandora tried to tell me that it was going to be great and different.

Pandora: Well, you just have to experience it and you'll understand.

(Phoebe and Cole kiss.)

Piper: Alright, so the good part?

Cole: Oh, yes, the good part.

(He hands Pandora and Leo an envelope. They open it.)

Pandora: Oh my god.

Leo: Cole.

Cole: It's no big deal.

Leo: It's the finest hotel in Hawaii.

Cole: I just didn't think it was right you guys never got a honeymoon.

Phoebe: Oh my god. Could you be any sweeter right now?

Paige: Hang on, you got them tickets to Hawaii?

Cole: Well, not plane tickets, they'll have to orb there. But, uh, hotel and a couple of nice dinners.

Pandora: Cole, I can't believe you did this.

Piper: Am I missing something? Aren't you unemployed? How did you afford this?

Cole: A-a-a-ah. That's tomorrow's surprise. For tonight, another toast. To Leo and to Pandora, a life time of happiness.

(They clink their glasses and take a sip. The Seer appears near by and Cole chokes on his drink. He coughs.)

Phoebe: Are you okay? Baby, are you okay?

Cole: Fine, fine. Excuse me, I'll be right back.

(He walks away.)

Paige: Wow, so, you think, uh, Cole won the lottery or something?

Phoebe: I know I did.

(Paige makes a noise.)

Paige: Sorry.

[Scene: Manor. Bathroom. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there putting on makeup.]

Phoebe: Can I try this?

Paige: Yeah, sure.

(Pandora comes in.)

Pandora: My hairclip broke.

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