long live the queen

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[Scene: Phoebe and Cole's apartment. Bedroom. Night time. It is storming. Phoebe is sitting on her bed. She gets up and closes the window. There's a knock on the door.]

Phoebe: Come in.

(The door opens and the Seer walks in carrying a tray. Demons are chanting out in the living room. The Seer puts down the tray and picks up a glass of tonic.)

Seer: My queen, it's time for your tonic.

Phoebe: Can you do anything about this thunder because it is making me nuts.

Seer: I have no sway over the weather. I do have a friend who works with wind but she's out of town.

Phoebe: What about demons? Any sway over them? Because I swear, if they don't shut up. (She takes a sip of the tonic and screws up her face.) I hate this stuff!

Seer: It's for you own good.

Phoebe: Well, whatever happened to regular old vitamins.

Seer: There's nothing regular about your pregnancy. The new power you're experiencing is a mere shadow of what's to come. The tonic strengthens you to bear the weight of it.

Phoebe: Okay, well, then do me a favour. Find me something that strengthens me and doesn't taste like crap.

Seer: Are you feeling alright?

Phoebe: Yeah, it's just, (she plops down on the bed) I have all this work that I have to do and (yells) I can't concentrate!

(A demon shuts the bedroom door.)

Seer: But you are queen now. There's no reason for you to continue with this work at all.

Phoebe: I like my work. It's a good distraction.

Seer: A distraction from what? Still struggling with your decision?

Phoebe: No, I mean, I love Cole and you know, don't get me wrong this whole queen thing is kinda fun, it's just...

Seer: Your sisters.

Phoebe: Yeah, I don't understand why they have to be so stubborn. Why they can't just respect my decision.

Seer: Because it's not in their nature of good to compromise. They'll never understand, they'll only want to change you back. The sooner you accept that and let them go, the happier you will be. Here, drink your tonic.

(She hears an explosion.)

Phoebe: What the hell is going on out there? You know, ever since the coronation all he does is work.

Seer: The underworld's been in chaos for some time. He has a great task...

Phoebe: I don't care. I want some attention from my husband. You're excused.

Seer: Make certain you drink that upon waking.

(She disappears. Phoebe goes out into the living room.)

Phoebe: It is after midnight, Cole, come to bed.

Cole: Phoebe, please, we're in the middle of a ceremony.

Demon: We're almost done.

Phoebe: Almost doesn't work for me.

(She throws fire at two demons and vanquishes them. The rest shimmer out.)

Cole: I thought we talked about this.

Phoebe: Sorry, it's hormones.

[Scene: Manor. Attic. Pandora, Piper and Paige are there. Pandora is making potions while Paige and Piper are looking through the Book of Shadows.]

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