Chapter 9

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I don't care about anything, I just mind my heart right now. I ran and ran until I reach the rooftop. I cried and cried, remembering what those girls said earlier. Then I felt someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around. It's my ex, Nani.

'Please Nani, go away for now. I'm tired, I don't have time to talk to you'. I said with a tired voice and looked down.

'Who did this to you?'. Nani said with a stern voice that made me shiver. Gosh.

'Uh, N-no one. Just minding sad things. Btw, how did you know that I'm here?'. I asked without looking at him.

'I was going to talk to you but you walked out so I followed you'. He said looking at me.

'Ohh, then tell me now'. I said sassily and he just chuckled.

'Umm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the fault I made before. Win, even though I'm a playboy before, trust me when I said that I really loved you, you're different from those flings I had'. He said and I looked at him.

'I'm so thankful that even though I'm a playboy, you gave me a chance to prove myself to you that I love you

But you've changed because of Bright. I mean, you're ranting about him but you're smiling, whole-heartedly. I feel jealous but I just let it go. You're angry when you're looking at him, but I feel inside that you're happy when you're talking to him. I noticed that you're more happier not because of me, but because of Bright'. He said looking at me with tears glistening in his eyes

'So I decided to revenge to you, I cheated on you. I thought that my feelings will disappear if I kissed girls who I didn't even know *chuckles* . So I decided to break up with you, to forget you. But the more I'm away from you, the more my heart wants to be with you'. Nani said, crying. So I hugged him and rubbed his back, I whispered to him 'don't cry, Nani'.

'Win, when I met you. I feel like I'm the most happiest person in the world. But my happiness don't like me. I don't want to be selfish, I'll let you go now, Win. Thankyou for the memories we had. I'll treasure it all'. Nani said and I also cried.

'Nani, listen to me. I also loved you, Nani. With all of my heart. I used to be happy when you're with me, kissing me, hugging me. And for those 3 years we had, I'm also lucky to know you too'. I said crying an Nani wiped my tears.

'But you used. You just used to love me, not totally loved me, you used to be happy with me, but not totally happy with me, Win. I know you'. Nani said and pulled me to hug again.

'Win, I just wanted you to be happy and to be loved, that's all. We can be friends, right?'. Nani said and I nodded.

'So now we're friends. What was the reason why you walked out?'. He asked and crossed his arms on his chest.

'Umm, Nothing?'

'Are you sure. Or is it because of the rumors that the new tranferee of Bright's class was his beloved ex, First Love to be exact?'. He said, so I smiled, Busted!

'So did you asked him about that matter?'. He questioned me.

'Why should I? His own classmates said it. His reaction was changed--'

'You believed them than Bright?'


'Listen here Metawin. Before you jump to that conclusion, you must ask him first. If that's true, then you have the reason to sulk at him, but if it's not true, P'Bright will hurt, Win. That's why you always getting hurt when we're still together. You're overthinking without telling it to me'. Nani said and I punched his arms.

'That's a different story Nani'. I said in a low voice that made him chuckle.

'I'm going to States, Win'. He said all of a sudden.

'I'm going to continue my studies there. Going to start a new life. Being a normal citizen, not fcking around'. Nani said and I laughed, then I cried after like a child.

'Oii, why you crying?'

'You're going to leave me. I thought we're friends'

'Yes, we're friends. We still communicate, you know'


'I promise'. He said and hugged me.

'I guess, it's our last goodbye'

I nodded, then someone called my name.

'Win? What the heck is this'. Bright said, angrily

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's the first time I write this story with drama. If it's corny or anything, just bare with it. Thankyouu!

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