Chapter 4

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'Urghhhh! Thank Goodness! This day has been done! I miss my bae'. PP said and I just rolled my eyes and chuckled. Then someone tapped my shoulders and it's Luke and waved at me and PP

'Oh, hi Win!. What club are you joining rn?'. Luke asked.

'Oh. I'm joining Music Club and Cheerleading!'

'Do you have your Club Meeting rn? Can I come with you?'. Luke said, I totally forgot that we have appointment at Music Club.

'Oh yes! I forgot! we have Meeting at Music Club! Are you interested?'. I asked and then he grinned and nodded.

'We're going na Ai'P! Just wait for your Bae'.

'I thought you totally forgot about me too?'. He said and pout, my babie patotiee~

'Ohoo! no I'm not! oh! your bae's already here! byieeeee!!'. I said and waved at them and dragged Luke with me.

—Music Club

As usual, Music Club was crowded not because they love music, but they love Bright. Most of them are girls.

'Win, why the Music Club was crowded? Does the student here in the campus really love music?'. Luke asked confusedly, i chuckled and answered him.


'Maybe?! What do you mean?'

'As you can see, most of them are girls. They're here because of a guy. A guy that I hate the most'. I whispered the last words and he laughed. Then two senior approached us. The Senior who I respected the most, and The Senior that I hated the most.

'Oh, the cheerlead--EHH?! Nong! Is that your boyfriend?!'. P'Dim said that made Luke blush while P'Bright frowned?

'P! You crazy! He's not my boyfriend, he's Luke, new classmate. Luke, this is P'Dim and P'Bright'. I said and Luke gave a waii to both of them.

'Oh Nong Luke. Are you joining this club?'. P'Bright asked while his arms were crossed in his chest.

'of course. that's why he's in the music club, dumb'. A said in my mind and internally rolled my eyes.

'Yes P! I will join here because Win is here and I can play guitar too!'. He said and smiled to the two seniors in front of us.

'Then you need an audition. You must pass it or you go home early because you're unqualified'. P'Bright said with a stern voice that made Luke gulped his saliva. Luke nodded and stood at the front and introduced his self. While P'Dim, P'Air, and P'Bright sat in front of him. The other students was watching at him. He looks so nervous as he look at me. So I mouthed 'fighting', he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

'Hi! I'm Luke and I'm auditioning in this club'. Luke said and the members started squealing and clapping.

As he started singing,I remembered my ex-boyfriend. The way we laugh, the way we fell in love each other, the way we promised that we must love each other until forever. No, I don't love him anymore, but my heart still aches because for the past 3 years that we're together, I never noticed that he'll leave me for some girl. I came back to my senses when I feel that my cheeks are wet because of the tears that rolled from my eyes, so I quickly wiped it. I look at the judges' table and I saw P'Bright already looking at me. He immediately avoided my gaze and looked at Luke who just finished his song. The members of club clapped their hands and P'Dim stood up from his chair and clapped his hands. He slightly bowed and sat beside me.

(COMPLETED)because you love me|| BrightWin Fanfic StoryWhere stories live. Discover now