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"Iago!" The scream tore itself from my throat, my eyes wide and uncomprehending as I watched the flame catch on the petrol, its heat palpable as it ignited.

I'd moved forwards without realising it, my body breaking out into a run before I could process that Ghost was still there in front of me, his arm outstretched, waiting. I didn't have time to scream as I was grabbed, strong fingers digging into my skin as I was caught and thrown to the ground, my head smacking off of the concrete.

The world around me seemed to blur as I lay there, unconsciousness grasping at the edges of my mind, the ground shockingly cold against my skin.

"Should we kill her?" I hadn't notice the car pull up besides Ghost, but the driver's voice was warped and slow, distorted by the ringing in my ears.

"No.  She's stupid enough to try and save him." There was a pause, as though Ghost had turned to watch the flame's progression. "Let them burn."

My breath caught in my throat, my mind too disconnected from my body to do more than watch as Ghost retreated, my gaze fixated on the tiny clouds of dirt that separated themselves from the asphalt as he went.

I swallowed thickly, sure that I could taste blood as my tongue sat heavy in my mouth. I couldn't take my eyes off of the car. Couldn't tear them away from the sunset of flames that seemed to warp and churn with the air.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe and my head hurt so bad it felt like I was drowning.

I gasped as the sound of a car door slamming shut seemed to drag me to shore, my breath sticking in my chest as the two SUV's tore from the carpark, their engines revving and spluttering as they went.

I dragged my gaze back to the wreck, my eyes searching desperately for something, anything, that could undo the last ninety seconds. There was nothing, of course, just me; flesh and bone and skin.

It was pathetic, lying there in the dirt, my vision doubled, eyes fixated on the smog rising from the flames. I wanted to scream, to cry, to run, anything that meant I didn't have to stay there and watch as the heat that had enveloped the car grew molten, snaking into every nook and crevice, inhaling what little oxygen Iago had left.

'Do something.' My mind begged. 'Mila, you have to do something.'

'I can't. God I can't.'

The flames were curling upwards and outwards, each passing second seeming to provide the fire with a new pathway of destruction.

There was nothing I could do.

'There's always something.'

I pushed myself upwards, holding back the urge to vomit as the scene before me swum in and out of focus.

'Focus. Just focus.'

I could feel my vision coming back to me, shapes regaining their edges, objects becoming less and less smudged as my eyes zoned in on the carnage before me. The blaze didn't seem as bad once everything had settled. Yes, the colour was brighter, the flames appearing taller, but it felt less overwhelming, less all encompassing than it had moments before.

After all, why would I need to put the fire out, when only half of the car was alight?

Realisation hit me like a truck.

"The can." I gasped. "That fucking idiot forgot to fill up the can."

The concrete scraped against my palms as I scrambled to my feet, my heart in my throat as I stumbled towards the car.

"Ghost! Ghost get me out of here!" Iago's muffled voice grew louder as I approached, his shouts turning desperate. "Max please!"

I didn't think to cover my bare skin as I forced my way through the shattered window, the remainder of the glass cutting into my arms and hands, forcing choked off shouts to leave my lips.

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