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"Ah, ah, ahhh." Niko sung, pinching the cocktail glass from Iago's hands. "You know the rules. No drinking for at least 48 hours after all my hard work."

Iago scowled, moving to snatch the glass back but missing as Niko dodged him.

"Niko come on." He grouched as Niko slid me the glass across the bar.

"We'll have two vodka shots please." He ordered, winking at the bartender as he did so.

"Don't act like you've never partied sober before Iago." A glimmer of embarrassed panic flashed across his eyes.

"Niko don't you dare." Niko just grinned in response, spinning around before waltzing into the dancing crowd.

"You've got to tell me about that one."

"Never gonna happen." He scowled, trying to swipe my drink from me. I laughed and hopped off my bar stool, moving to stand between his legs so that I could press a kiss against his lips.

"Well, that's just not fair." I mumbled, pulling slightly away from him so that our lips were just barely brushing.

He grinned up at me, hand coming to curl around the back of my neck as his thumb rested under my ear. I kissed him again, deeper and slower this time, my arms wrapping around his neck.

"Will you dance with me?" I asked pulling away once more. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm too sober."

"Iago come on." I whined, pulling his hand gently.

"I'm not in the mood Mila." He laughed, letting me turn under his arm before bringing me back close to him.

"Just one song."

"Go dance with Niko." I glanced back towards the dance floor to see several men watching as Niko moved to the beat, head thrown back, completely carefree.

"Fine." I grouched, turning back to kiss him before heading over to Niko.

He grinned as he pulled me towards him, arm coming to wrap around my waist as we lost ourselves in the music.

There was something about Niko that brought out the best in everyone. He was illuminating, and I knew that in being with him, all eyes were on us.

We continued to dance, and I watched as Iago watched me, a smirk plastered on his lips. I smirked back, gyrating my hips with purpose as his eyes darkened with arousal.

I broke eye contact to glance over at Niko who had moved from beside me and further onto the dance floor. His fingers were intertwined with a stranger's, and I couldn't help but stare as they pressed closer together, bodies moving in synchrony against each other.

I laughed to myself, contentedly tipsy as I moved to the music, unaware of the second set of eyes locked onto me that weren't Iago's.

I grinned as I watched him get up from the bar, not quite noticing the anger flickering across his features as he approached me.

"Iago?" I questioned as he brushed past me, heading determinedly towards a man dancing behind me.

"Watch yourself." He snapped, shoving the other man backwards roughly.

"Iago!" I yelled but was relieved to see that the other guy was too drunk to care and had resumed swaying, eyes now locked onto a girl that wasn't me. "Jesus, would you relax." I snapped hand coming up to grip his bicep. He moved obediently back towards me, but kept his eyes fixed firmly on the guy.

"God, you need eyes in the back of your head." He grumbled, hands coming to rest possessively on my waist.

"You're a caveman." I replied, a grin tugging at my lips.

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