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The song Mila is listening to is 'Guilty' by Lady Wray :)

"Hey Mila!" I heard Nadia shout from outside the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" I called back, wrapping my towel around my chest.

"I'm going to sleep at Prince's, is that cool?"

"Yeah, course!" I replied, squeezing toothpaste onto my brush. "Just text me when you get there safe!"

"I will!" Came her answer, followed quickly by the slamming of the front door.

I smiled to myself, happy that she was finally having a night alone with him. His roommate was out of town for the week, and I was sure that this wouldn't be the last time I'd have to sleep in the dorm without her.

I finished brushing my teeth and spat into the sink, wondering briefly if I should do a face mask before quickly deciding against it. Even moisturising my face and body felt like a chore, but I forced myself to take time to dig my thumbs into my calf muscles in an aborted attempt to massage them, before heading back into my room.

I glanced at the clock and swore softly. My shift had been exhausting and somehow in between getting home and bathing, the time had skipped long past twelve.

Sighing, I flopped down onto my bed and took my phone out from underneath my pillow, clicking through several apps before tossing it down with a huff, realising that no one back home would be awake.

"God, just go to bed." I muttered to myself, unsure as to why sleeping was always the hardest part of my day.

I reached for my phone again, searching for my chill playlist before putting it on shuffle and lying back against my headboard.

Glancing at the pile of work still on my desk I rolled my eyes, knowing that most of it was complete but that there would always be that little demon inside my head telling me that I hadn't done enough.

A loud knock dragged me from my thoughts.

"Coming!" I yelled, assuming it was Nadia.

I got out of bed and threw on an oversized shirt and panties before heading over to the door and yanking it open.

"What did you forget this time..." My voice trailed off as I pulled the door open, eyes coming to rest on a figure that certainly wasn't Nadia.

"What are you doing here?" The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I felt my heart clench at the flash of hurt that passed across Iago's handsome features.

I couldn't help but stare at him. His normally clear skin was mottled with bruises of varying shades of blue and there was a nasty cut along one of his cheekbones and another across the bridge of his nose. His plump lips were slightly swollen and split in several places and the colouration under the eye that wasn't black suggested he hadn't slept.

I wanted to kick myself.

"What happened?" I corrected, taking a tentative step towards him, unsure if my touch would be welcomed.

"Something came up." He replied shortly, shifting uncomfortably under my gaze as if he wanted to be anywhere but here; anything but analysed. "Can I come in?"

I nodded, stepping back through the doorway before turning around and leading him inside the room, ignoring the music still playing softly in the background.

"Who's this?" He asked, hiding a wince as his tentative smile pulled painfully on his ruined face.

"Lady Wray." I replied, unable to take my eyes off him.

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