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Slight tw for unwanted advances. More detail in the notes at the bottom xx

"What time does he call this?" Prince's voice dragged me from my thoughts as I sat at Nadia's desk, doodling aimlessly on a piece of scrap paper.

"Its only seven twenty." I replied with a laugh, glancing up to see Iago's car pulling up outside. It was an old beaten-up grey Volvo which stood out starkly from the rows of expensive cars sprawled out across campus.

Prince got up from Nadia's bed and approached the window. "I've never understood why he drives that shitty old thing. Imagine the money he must be making." He muttered.

I shrugged in response. "Maybe he's just not a flashy bastard like you." My laugh turned into a shriek as he tackled me.

"Watch the dress!" I gasped between giggles as he spun me round before dropping me gracelessly onto the floor.

"You'd better get going." He muttered, glancing out the window before extending his hand for me to grab and pulling me up to standing. I nodded, walking over to the doorway and slipping on a pair of black trainers. It wasn't the classiest choice, but they were comfortable.

I took one final glance at myself in the mirror, straightening the hem of the dress, before heading out the door.

"Tell Nadia to save me some of her Chinese!" I shouted over my shoulder at Prince.

"No promises!" Came his reply.

When I got outside, Iago was leaning casually against the side of the car. He turned when he heard my footsteps, pausing to let his eyes drift from my face down to my shoes.

"Sorry I'm late..." He trailed off, his expression sheepish.

"Don't worry." I laughed. "I wasn't ready at seven anyways." He smiled, looking me up and down for a second time, a wolfish grin tugging at his lips.

"Oh, stop it." I laughed, shoving him lightly.

"Couldn't help myself." I blushed and rolled my eyes, smiling to myself as he opened the car door for me. I climbed in, doing my best to ignore the lingering smell of marijuana.

"So how far away is this place?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Not far." He replied, climbing in and turning on the ignition. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he placed his right arm over the back of my seat and glanced over his shoulder, steering us out of the driveway with his left hand in one fluid motion. His usual confidence seemed amplified, as if being in his own space eliminated all sense of self-doubt.

God he was unfairly attractive.

"How did you find the professor?" He asked, glancing over at me.

"Decent enough. Seemed as though he couldn't wait to get rid of us though." I replied with a laugh. We were driving towards the city centre, and I couldn't help but stare at the towering skyline. I looked out of the window and watched as crowds of students transformed into the hustle and bustle of city life.

"I wouldn't blame him. Must be rough teaching the same class year after year." He replied, hand tapping restlessly on the steering wheel.

"Especially when your students turn up late." He rolled his eyes at me.

"I had work. I couldn't help it."

"What do you work as?" I asked, testing the waters.

"Oh, you know, delivery and stuff." He replied cagily. It was my turn to roll my eyes this time. Did he honestly think that Prince wouldn't have told me? "What about you? Are you working?" I let him change the subject.

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