"Marriage" ~ Neville Longbottom

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A/N: hello! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating, I'm trying to get better at updating since I'm on summer break. Unfortunately I won't be able to update much in July since I have conditioning for soccer, along with going on vacation but I'll try to update as much as I can in July. Also HAPPY PRIDE MONTH LOVES! REMEMBER YOU'RE VALID, I SUPPORT YOU AND LOVE YOU ALL. I LOVE ALL OF YOU LGBTQ+ LOVES! I'm pansexual myself. With all that said I hope you enjoy this one shot.  Also will include lyrics from the song attached above.

Neville's POV

Tomorrow is the day. The day I finally ask Y/N's parents permission to marry her. I'll admit I'm nervous but who wouldn't be? This is a big step in a relationship. I know this is what I want, I knew that Y/N was the one that I would marry from the moment we started dating 4 years ago. I talked to Y/N's mother about it since I'm staying with them for the summer for a little while. We thankfully came up with a plan about when I would ask her father as her mother agreed to me marrying Y/N. 'oh I'm so happy to get to spend time together over summer with you!' Y/N said with excitement evident in her voice.

'So am I tulip' I said. Soon her parents came pick us up and we went to their house. Once we got there we headed inside and upstairs to unpack. 'So Nev, what do you want to do when we finish unpacking?'

'We could watch a movie to relax?' I said and Y/N nodded in agreement. After a while we finished unpacking, had dinner and were setting up a movie to watch. 

Third person pov

It didn't take the couple long to set up to watch a movie or to pick it. After a few movies the pair fell asleep in each others arms. ~Time skip to next day since idk what else to write sorry~

It was the next day and Y/N was out shopping with her mother. Meanwhile Neville and her father were sat at the dining table talking. 'I heard you wanted to ask me something?' Y/N's father, F/N (father's name), asked. 

'Yes sir I do' Neville stated. 'Alright go on' F/N said. 

'Sir, I'm a bit nervous so bear with me if I take up too much of your time' Neville started while F/N nodded for him to continue so he did. 'but you see your daughter she's my everything, I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life and I'll give her the best of me 'til the day that I die. She's been here every step since the day that we met, I'm scared to death to think of what would happen if she ever left. So don't you ever worry about me ever treating her bad. It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side because very soon I'm hoping that I could marry your daughter.' Neville finished.

'So you want to marry my daughter?' F/N asked the young boy. Neville nodded then said, 'Yes sir, she'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen.'

'Very well you have my permission to marry her. I have faith in you that you will keep her happy.' F/N stated causing Neville to smile as his nerves went away. 'Thank you sir, I can't wait to smile as she walks down the aisle.' And with that Neville was one step closer to marrying the love of his life.

A/N: sorry it's kind of short, I'm trying to get back into writing. 

Word Count: 640

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