"Secret Admirer" ~ Oliver Wood

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Background: You're in Ravenclaw and your best friend is Luna of course! You've been receiving letters from a secret admirer, and you're not sure who it is. But one day you finally found out who is it...

y/n pov

This is the third letter this week! oh if you're wondering what I'm talking about, I've been getting letters from a secret admirer. Weird you may say? Yes it is. The only thing I know is it's driving me crazy trying to find out who it is. Anyways I'm in my room that I share with Luna. I sigh as I sit down on my bed. "What's wrong?" Luna asks concerned. "It's the secret admirer thing!" I hold up the letter I got, "This is the third letter this week! I still can't figure out who it may be and this is the fourth month in a row it's been going on" I say before groaning. "Well have you read the letter?" I shake my head. I haven't read it yet.  "Read it then!" I laugh then nod. "Dear y/n," I began to read aloud. "It's been months now since I began to write to you and each day I fall for you more and more. I would love to call you mine though I am a bit nervous to admit my feeling for you in person. You see, I'm a friend of your friends. I'm willing to meet you, tomorrow night in in the astronomy tower at 7 pm as I can't bare to wait any longer to see you. I hope to see you tomorrow night." I finish reading it with a smile. "Lun, I'm going to meet them finally!" We both start talking about who it could be before going to sleep. 

~the next morning~

 I woke up around 9 a.m. since I had a free period this morning. I get up and get ready. Once I'm ready I grab my books and head to my first class of the day. Potions. Unfortunately, I couldn't focus because all I could think about was tonight. Soon the rest of the day went by in a blur. After dinner in the great hall, I head up to my dorm to change. I decided to put on some leggings and a t-shirt and throw my hair into a bun. I still had about an hour before I went to meet my secret admirer so I decide to read a bit. As I'm reading Luna comes in. "Hey Lun." I say while looking up from my book. "Oh hey y/n, have you met them yet?" I shake my head and check the time. "shoot I got to go!" I say before practically running out. I make my way to the astronomy tower. The closer I get the more my excitement builds along with a but of nervousness. I mean, I'm meeting my secret admirer after all. Finally reaching the top, I notice a sort of familiar figure. The person turns around, "Hello y/n, I see you decided to take up my offer." I stand there in a bit of shock of who it was. Oliver Wood. "Oliver? You're my secret admirer!?" He nods. "Indeed I am you see, I liked you since the day I saw you. I truthfully get nervous to admit my feelings to you so I wrote those letters instead. I meant every word I wrote in them. How beautiful, amazing, talented, smart and perfect you are. The way you're smile brightens my day. How I get lost in your eyes. The way your voice calms me as it's sweet and soothing. I meant every word. And now here I am finally telling you this in person, y/n I like you wait no I've fallen in love with you." By now I'm smiling really big. "Ollie, I" He cuts me off, "I get it, you don't feel the same way" I hear him sigh and I walk closer to him.

"Ollie," I begin making him look at me. "I feel the same way about you, I always have." He looks at me a bit shocked. I laugh, "It's true, I've fallen in love with you too." His smile was even bigger now just like mine. "Well then would you be my-" This time I cut him off by kissing him. Shocked he was but kissed back. I pull away after a while, "yes I'll be your girlfriend Ollie." He smiles and pulls me into yet another kiss. The rest of the night we spent in each other's arms just talking and looking at the stars.

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