"Power of love" ~ Harry Potter (pt.1)

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Background: Your name is Y/N Weasley (Ron's cousin) and it's your 7th year at hogwarts in Gryffindor. Harry and you have been dating since 5th Year when you both confessed your feelings for each other just before the Battle at the Ministry happened from the fear of losing one another. 

A/N: I hope you like this! Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva enjoy :)

Today is the day everyone feared. The battle of hogwarts was underway. People running for safety while others prepared to fight. Soon enough their enemies would arrive. Y/N stood with the others as they awaited for the battle to begin. Although scared she stood there, trying not to let the fear consume her. Soon Voldemort and the other death eaters arrived. Within seconds spells were cast from both sides of this battle. Damage was being done to the buildings, and people where being hit by spells while others dove to protection. You had just killed a death eater before running to find Harry as you haven't seen him at all which caused you to worry. As you ran to find Harry, you dove behind walls and more to escape spells being fired. Finally reaching a safe spot, you breathe a sigh of relief then realize where Harry is. the room of requirement. You got there quickly out of fear and worry. Before your brain could process anything you were already in the room of requirement, searching for Harry. After a few minutes of searching you found him then ran to him.

"H-harry, I thought you were lost o-or wor-" You manage to get out before Harry cut you off with a kiss. "Don't worry love, I'm fine" he says which relaxes you. "Not for long potter!" Draco says which startles you before both Harry and you dive out the way of a spell fired by Draco. You hear Draco snicker before saying, "I know you have something of mine so hand it over." Harry refused which led to a fight between you and harry against draco and his mates. After a while a fighting the room began to catch fire. You ran with Harry, before you were taken away by non other than Lucius Malfoy who took you to voldemort who planned to use you to lure Harry to himself. Voldemort began to speak loudly so all could hear, "Harry Potter, if you wish for your girl to live then surrender yourself." You glare at voldemort. As if on cue, Harry walked in your direction. "Harry, don't do this! I can't lose you please!" You yell to him. 

"I have to, to keep you safe." was all harry said before voldemort lifted his wand. "Avada Kadavra" he says sending Harry's body to the ground. You break lose and begin to run to him, almost being grabbed by Lucius once again but Hermione and Ron stop him and bring you to safety before you begin to sob after seeing Harry's death occur. Ron holds you while Hermione and him try to comfort you as the three of you hear Voldemort and his crew celebrate until the unthinkable happened. Harry rose from the ground and fought Voldemort once again as yours and Harry's love for each other kept him alive. Since Voldemort wasn't prepared for Harry to live he was defeated. This cause the Death Eaters to run as well as Harry but he ran to you. 

"Love? Are you ok?" you hear a familiar voice say and you turn around in confusion. "h-harry? but how, h-he killed you!" was all you managed to say before tears left your eyes and before Harry engulfed you into a hug. "shh it's ok love, I'm ok and we're ok." Harry said over and over to calm you. Once you were calm you pulled away. "But how are you alive? I saw what he did!" You asked while looking at him confused. Harry smiled before saying, "Our love kept me alive. It kept me alive because I couldn't bear to let you go through the pain of losing me." A small smile came to your face. Harry, Ron, Hermione and yourself set back to go to the great hall or what was left of it. The four of you sat and talked while trying to process the events that had occurred. 

"erm, y/n i have something to tell you." Harry said nervously before getting up pulling you up with him. "What is it?" You ask a little concerned. "Y/n ever since we met when Ron introduced us, I knew you would have a special place in my heart. That started to become true when we started dating in our 5th Year and ever since then you've kept that spot in my heart. You've shown me so much love and cared for me. Our love grew so strong. I never want us to be apart since I can't imagine a world without you and I promise to protect you." By this point you had a few tears falling. Harry continued, "Our love is something that can't be lost or broken so.." Harry then got down on one knee. You covered your mouth with one hand from shock. "Y/n Weasly, will you finally become a potter and marry me?" You nod yes as you were unable to speak from your tears and joy you had in the moment. Harry then slips the ring onto your finger before standing up and pulling you into a kiss. You two shared the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away leaving a big smile on your face as you thought to yourself, 'I'm finally going to be Mrs. Potter.

"Take care of my cousin Harry and treat her well" Ron said and you laughed a bit. "I will, don't worry. I love her to much not to." Harry states before Hermione awe's. You turn to Harry then say, "I love you Mr. Potter" in return Harry says "I love you too Mrs. Potter" You smile at the sound of being called Mrs. Potter which you always wanted one day and now it would come true

A/N: I cried a bit while writing this, especially the ending. Anyways I hope you enjoyed reading this. Remember you can always request a one shot! Comment if I should do a part 2 of this one. 

Notes: I'll be naming this one "Power of Love" as I feel it fits the story well

 Word count: 1,073

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