Going On The Offensive

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Hunter gagged and growled as Sanders pinned his chest to the ground with his right foot. Annika jumped at him as she tried to make a tackle but ultimately failed in her attempt as Sanders swiftly backhanded her. He then returned his attention to Hunter who tiredly writhed beneath his foot.

"You two have been persistent and effective in delaying me," The Labrador admitted, "I'll give you full credit for that. But you can't keep the human from me. You'll tire out... or I'll break you," He then shrugged nonchalantly as he looked down at Hunter with a deadpan expression, "Whichever comes first."

Hunter growled as he tried to push Sanders' foot off his chest, but he was unable. Annika rose to her feet yet again and approached Sanders cautiously. She was sure she could get him off hunter if she could catch him off guard. Annika charged Sanders and slammed herself into his backside. Sanders stumbled forward but spun 'round to grab Annika by her throat and using their momentum he slammed her against a wall where he kept her pinned. Annika was dazed by the most recent attack and as she tried to get her bearings, Hunter sprung to his feet and hurried to his sister's aid. Just before he got to Sanders though, the dog released his sister and spun around to face him. Hunter put his arms up to defend himself but was too slow as Sanders managed to get a clean hit into the side of Hunter's snout. Hunter whimpered in pain and staggered backwards before Sanders grabbed him by the sleeve of his shirt and slung him up against the wall next to his sister. He then proceeded to pin the two foxes to the wall by their necks as he scowled at them. Neither one of the two were strong enough to brute force him off. Using his claws for traction and his center of gravity for leverage meant that the siblings were both fighting individually against Sanders' raw strength, weight, and his legs' grip against the floor.

"Looks like I'll have to break you," Sanders stated, "I'd have preferred to leave you be, but I can't afford to let you off this time."

"You can't afford what's coming to you," You interjected.

Sanders smirked as he turned his head towards you, "And what are you going to do to-"

"-That!" You grunted as a loud but dull metallic clank filled the air as a metal fist struck Sanders in the side of his head. The dog was thrown off of his feet and onto the ground, sliding a few yards before coming to a stop. You straightened yourself as you glowered at the canine as he got back to his feet.

"That was unexpected," Sanders mused as he massaged his jaw, "But not unwelcome. Your new toy is exactly what Mayor Deluma wants for herself. As of yet, she has been unable to understand the technology and make it work for herself. Yet, as she predicted, you seem to have no problem making it work. That said, I'm sure that you won't come quietly so first I'm going to-"

"-Yeah, I don't care," You stated flatly. Sanders quietly growled in response. "The first time you and I met, you nearly killed me. I've had nightmares about you and your employer."

Sanders nodded, "I admit, our first meeting was... regrettable."

"Regrettable? You've literally scared me for life!" You shouted. It's only our second time meeting and now you're hurting my family." The suit whirred and hummed as you put your arms up and spaced your feet in a standard boxing stance, "I don't want to find out what happens the third time we meet."

"Are you trying to threaten m-" Sanders was cut off as you smashed into him with your shoulder. He tumbled backwards onto his back but quickly got back to his feet. "You little-" Sanders was unable to finish his thought as he cut himself off to move his head out of the way of a dangerous right cross. Sanders grabbed your outstretched arm and flipped you over his shoulder. You slammed into the ground on your back. In one swift motion Sanders dropped down on top of you pinning your wrists to the ground as he straddled your torso. He brought his face inches away from the suit's faceplate. "I'm supposed to bring you in alive and in good health," Sanders started, "The best way for me to do that is if you come willingly and quietly, so I'm giving you one chance to do that before I have get rough and you get hurt."

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