Chapter 52

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"Hold up, hold up. Let me get this straight", Parker said. "This nigga been putting his hands on you and ain't been saying nothing?"

"Park, don't start please", Kamari said.

"No, I am gonna start. How you staying with somebody that's going disrespect you like that?", Parker asked. "You stayed with that other bitch Malik after all the times he cheated on yo dumb ass and now QC ? And he doing worst shit?"

"It's complicated alright", Kamari said. "And you don't have to call me dumb, bitch"

"Ain't nothing complicated about a phone call to your fucking brothers", Parker said.

"...look I've learned my lesson alright. People don't change. They don't wanna change...I've learn my lesson! I'm just asking for your help to break up with him. I didn't ask you to talk shit about me", Kamari said as she started tearing up. "I'm not in the mood. I've been through a lot"

"What you want me to do?", Parker asked. "Kill him?"

"No. I just need you for support. No fighting, no guns, no knifes, no nothing", Kamari said. "Just talking"

"...well let me call Xavier and Justin", Parker said.

"No. Not Xavier", Kamari said.

"Yes. I'm calling him", Parker said before pulling out his phone. "I need somebody to make sure I don't do outing crazy"

Kamari sighed.

"And let me tell you this, this is the last and only time I'm going to come to yo recuse for this nigga. With Malik, I was there for you multiple times and you stayed with him. I'm not going in circles with this again with QC. If you decide to stay with this nigga, that's it. I'm done. You grown now", Parker said.

Kamari looked at Parker.

"I'm not taking him back", Kamari said.

"I don't mean any harm but you did it already. Who says you want do it again", Parker asked.

"...I got to his apartment this morning and he had not one girl, but two girls in there. I have never been this insecure in my life but since my fucking baby died, I have been in a deep dark space. Q has NOT been there for me. He blames me. He's making me feel low", Kamari said. "I don't wanna feel like this anymore"

Parker shook his head.

"That's fucked up. Why you ain't come and talk to me of better yet, somebody", Parker asked.

" seems like the more people I put in my business, the more I lose people", Kamari said.

"Is that why you and Justin ain't been talking?", Parker asked.

Kamari nods.

"He...he's upset I took Quinton back", Kamari said as looked down.

"See...that's the shit I'm talking about", Parker said.

"Do you wanna help me or not? If not, leave", Kamari said.

"I'll help. But I just wanna ask you this", Parker said.

"What?", Kamari said.

"Do you feel like you need a nigga?", Parker asked.

"No?", Kamari replied.

"So why do you put up with these niggas' shit?", Parker asked.

" I don't know...", Kamari replied.

"How about after this, you just focus on you and your music", Parker said.

Kamari nods. "You're right. That's what I was going to do anyway", Kamari said.

"...the right guy will come sooner or later", Parker said.

"Yea...just thought that right guy was Q", Kamari said.

"Y'all were good at first. I'm not going to lie. I don't know what happened", Parker said.

"I guess all the fame and stress has been getting to him. He's been doing drugs", Kamari said. "He only gets in his ways when he's under the influence"

"He still shouldn't be putting his hands on you", Parker said.

"I know...but at the same time I don't want anything to happen to him. I don't him to overdose like a lot of artists in the past", Kamari said.

Suddenly, the door begins to unlock. Quinton walks on.

"Let me go sit down", Parker said as he walked to the couch.

Quinton looked at Parker, then at Kamari.

"I guess I know what needs to happen here", Quinton said.

"...I think it's the best for the both of us", Kamari said. She thought that he was talking about breaking up.

Quinton pulled out a gun.

Kamari took some steps back.

"Quinton what are you doing?", Kamari asked.

Parker turned around and pulled out his gun and shot Quinton. As Quinton went to the floor, his gun went off and it shot Kamari.

Kamari went to the floor.

Parker quickly rushed to Kamari.

"Mari", he called.

Kamari couldn't start. She was too busy trying to catch her breath. She looked over at Quinton who was bleeding out.

Parker began calling 911.

Quinton looked at Kamari.

"I'm-...sorry", Quinton said as he could barely let the words out. "I'm sorry"

Kamari wanted to cry so bad but she couldn't, but a tear did come down her eye.

That's when everything went black for Kamari.


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