Chapter 27

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After the intense dinner with Quinton, they both got into his car and they were on the way to his house.

Kamari looked at her phone and realized that Malik texted her. She had been on her phone during dinner so she didn't know.

"He um...he just texted me", Kamari said.

"What did he say?", Quinton asked.

"He asked me when I was going to come see him again", Kamari said. "I'm just not going to text him back"

"Yea. Don't text him", he replied. "I'll just talk to him my damn self later"

"Q, I don't need you to do that okay?", Kamari said. "I'll talk to him myself. I mean it's not like he's texting out the blue. He just texted me that because I told him that at the time. But that was because I felt back"

Quinton looked at her for a quick second then at the road.

"You sure about that? Or are you just going to feel some type of sympathy for him and say that you'll help him out again or come see him again?", Quinton asked.

Kamari looked out of the window.

"Just take me home", Kamari said.

"What I do?", Quinton asked.

"I just... I'm just seeing these red flags and this time I'm going to go with my instinct", Kamari said.

"Red flags??", he asked.

"You're a little controlling and jealous Quinton. And I'm not about to stay with you before it gets worst", she said.

Quinton pulled over and parked the car.

"Hold the fuck up. How am I controlling? You trippin'", Quinton said.

Kamari could see that his "hood" side was coming out.

"First the bracelet, and now this. I told you. I'll straighten shit out. Besides it's not that big of a deal. I wasn't meeting him to fuck him or chill with him. I was just checking on him! He has nobody right now", Kamari said.

"Who's fault is that?", Quinton asked. "His"

"'s not his fault that his mom died Quinton", Kamari said.

"Why you gotta call me Quinton?", Quinton asked.

"Because at this point we are back to how things started. Coworkers. I don't wanna be with someone that is so selfish and cold hearted", Kamari said as she got out the car.

"Get back in the car", Quinton said.

"No", Kamari said as she shut the door.

Quinton shook his head as he sat there and walked her walk into one of the near by businesses.

Kamari sat at a table and pulled out her phone to call Hope to pick her up. After Kamari called Hope and Hope said she was on the way, Mari hung up.

After she hung up the phone, Quinton walked in and sat across from her at the table.

"Come on, Mari. Get back in the car. We not about to do this", Quinton said.

"Didn't I just tell you I'm done?", Kamari asked.

"Yea, but I don't agree so we not. Come on", Quinton said.

Kamari didn't say anything, she just sat there.

Quinton started to stand up from the table.

"Come on before people notice who we are",  Quinton said.

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