Forget me not chapter 6

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Zoe's POV

Someone once told me that love is the closest thing we have to magic and hate is the darkest reason for evil. So what happens when love and evil combine? What if love has turned me evil?

"beep beep" my alarm clock beeped notoriously as if trying to purposely annoy me.

"Shut up!" I shouted and slammed it against the wall that was shared with Alex's room. That ought to annoy him. I don't think I'll go to school today I have the hangover from hell. What happened last night? I tried to put the pieces together but it was near impossible. I don't even remember drinking.

I made my way to the kitchen to see Jack making breakfast. He wasn't himself, he wouldn't even look at me.

"Well aren't you a grumpy one this morning" I joked but grimaced at the sound of my own voice which seemed too loud for my liking.

"Why aren't you dressed? You're going to be late" he said sternly.

"It's a good thing I'm not going then" I replied with a grin. He sighed and put a plate out in front of me. God he really is cute! Even when he's pissed off at me, he's still looking after me. Which reminded me.

"Jack why are you mad at me? What happened last night?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Why don't you ask Alex?" he spat out at me looking disgusted. Speak of the devil, Alex walks in with morning hair and his chest bare. Ah he's just too sexy!

"Has anyone seen my black Hollister shirt?" he asked grabbing one of the toasts on my plate. I tried my best to give him an evil but he wasn't looking at me either. What's going on? What did I do?

"Yeh it's in the laundry basket mate" replied Jack whilst patting him on the back twice.

"Can someone please tell me what happened last night before I go crazy!" I yelled but immediately regretted it as my head started throbbing.

Jack looked over at Alex who seemed to be uncomfortable. After a long pause Alex began to speak.

"Nothing happened Zoe just eat your breakfast." Jack gave him a small smile which he hasn't done in a long time.

"Whatever" I shrugged and walked out of the kitchen. I wasn't in the mood to be persistent.

Alex's POV

"Whatever" she said walking out of the kitchen with a pieace of toast in her hand. She really doesn't remember does she.

"I don't think I told you this last night, but I'm really grateful for what you did Alex I can't thank you enough" Jack said quietly making sure Zoe couldn't hear from the living room. "You don't have to go through with the deal anymore if you don't want to, I'm sorry I tried to threaten you..." he continued but I stopped him.

"Jack you don't need to thank me, and as for the deal, I could use the money so I'll still go through with it don't worry." I replied with an equally low voice. The last thing i'd want is for Zoe to find out about the deal. It would completely shatter her and she really didn't need that.

Jack nodded and left the house for work leaving me alone with Zoe. He gave me the day off today although I protested that I didn't need it. I stayed in the kitchen drinking my coffee remembering the scene last night.

After she sang on stage she was livid with anger. I don't know how much she drank but she was out of it pretty quickly. We left the restaurant as soon as we could but it only got worse as we tried to cross the road. I remember all the things she screamed at me: 'i hope you get what you deserve you selfish bastard I hate you! I wish you'd die right in front of me, I'd enjoy every fucking minute of it!' And with that she leapt out in the middle of the road as if wanting to purposely get runover. My first instinct was to push her out of the road as I saw a car approach. I managed to successfully get her out of the way only to find myself in front of a black BMW. I slammed into the windshield but thankfully the car wasn't going fast enough for me to break any bones. I only have a few bruises on my legs.

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