The Journey to the Angel: Part One

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When Henry opened his eyes, he noticed that one, it was really fucking bright, and two, his arm hurt like hell. He laid there with his eyes closed until he heard a slight laugh. Oh no. He sat up quickly, scanning the room for Sammy.

He was standing in the middle of the room, holding a handful of feathers and chuckling.



"What did you do?" The feathers weren't a good sign.

Sammy's hand flew up to his chest as of he was offended. "I did nothing my dear friend."

Henry glared.

"Fine. I put feathers in yer hair."

"You what?!" Henry felt for feathers, wincing when he brought the injury covered arms up, and let out a sigh of relief when he felt none. "Very funny Samuel. You've lost nickname privileges."

"I didn't lose much then." Sammy dropped the feathers and walked over, still grinning dumbly. "Want to go meet Alice now? It's ten in the morning."

"Fine. If I have to." He was kinda excited actually.

"Well you do. Come on." Sammy held out a hand, which Henry ignored.

"I can get up on my own thank ya very much Mr. Lawrence." As he got up however, a bolt of pain made him immediately start to fall backwards. Sammy reached out and grabbed his friends shoulders, not wanting to put too much stress on the injuries.

"No, actually I don't think you can." What was that about? "Are you gonna be alright enough to walk 'round?"

"Yeah. I think it's just the pain from the cuts. You know you can move your hands now right? I think I'm okay now." He didn't know that for a fact though.

"Okay." Sammy let go, and looked relieved when the other didn't immediately fall over. "Well, if you're not going to pass out or anything I guess we should get going. It takes a little while to get to Alice's...domain."
"Are we almost there?" Henry had been quiet until now. They'd made several wrong turns on account of Sammy not remembering the way to the elevator.

"Nope, not even close!" Sammy replied, walking ahead. He'd grabbed the axe before they left, and he would be glad about that decision soon.

As Sammy stopped to think about which direction to go next, he heard a shout of surprise from behind him, then a low groan. Great, the searchers are here. The one currently sitting in front of Henry regarded the man curiously, as if it actually had sentience.

Then the curiosity faded, and the human-like pile of sludge lunged at Henry, who had no defense whatsoever.

Sammy, who hadn't turned around yet, but did at the choking noise of pain he heard, swung the axe too late. The thing had already pulled Henry down into the ink, and Sammy knew there wasn't anything he could do now but wait. He knew about the loop, and the whole getting brought back from the dead thing.

It's gonna be hard to calm him back down after this...Sammy felt a little bad as he sat next to a Bendy altar to wait. He supposed he should have told him what could happen.
Joey hadn't expected a death so soon. No matter, the dead could always be brought back in his story.
When Henry opened his eyes for the second time that day, he could only think about one thing: he should be dead. Instead, he was in the middle of what seemed to be an inky, oddly glowing tunnel with his heart racing out of control. Surely this couldn't be what death was like right?

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