Cute times

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You open your eyes

You are sitting on the couch, you had your head on Nat's shoulder

You look at the girls, Wanda sleep in the blanket against Nat and Nat is awake.

Y/n- Hey baby, how was your night ?

N- I didn't sleep much last night because I think I slept enough like this

She laugh lightly

Y/n- Shhh, don't wake Wanda up... she needs to sleep...

A doctor walks in with 2 nurses.

The doctor look at Wanda and whispers

Doc- Good morning, you have to come with us in this wheelchair Miss Romanoff, for some exams.

Nat gets out of bed without waking Wanda but she fidgets, she searches for Nat with her hand.

Y/n- Wait, wait...

You say to Wanda softly

You get into bed where Nat was

Wanda holds on to you

Y/n- Alright... I guess she really didn't want to be alone

You say to Nat

Nat kisses Wanda's forehead and your lips, she sits on the chair and the doctor leaves with her.

There are no more noises in the room. You hear Wanda's breathing and yours. You hear her heartbeat, even Nat's.

You bury your face in Wanda's hair and you smell her, you smile, her hair smells like caramel, You take her hand and you stroke her hair. You keep smelling her caramel hair while smiling.

You hear her heart beating slowly, she's calm, asleep, for the first time in a month...

Y/n- You can sleep peacefully, no one will stop you from resting now that Nat is healthy and that i'm with you...

You whisper lightly closing your eyes

Y/n- I won't leave you like I did...

20 minutes later

Wanda wakes up screaming and throwing you out of bed with an unseen red force

You fall on your back and you hear a bone break when you catch yourself on your arm

W- Oh... oh my god Y/n !

She gets off the bed, she falls and walks towards you, she kneels in front of you and puts a lock of hair behind her ear looking at you worried

You give her your hand and she helps you get up.

Y/n- Wha- what just happened, are you okay ??

W- Yeah it... it was just a nightmare i'm sorry

You take your arm and put it back in a moan of pain

Y/n- It's okay I'm alright now ! Wait...

You smell blood. You look at Wanda who makes a face of pain.

Y/n- Show me your hand Wanda !

You reach out your hand to her, she gives you her hand and there's a big gash

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