Getting more close

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Me and Gelo have a lot of deep talks,it doesn't  matter if it is in middle of the day or midnight we always listen to each other because both of us know and understand what the other one is going thru. I think this is one of the reasons me and him are so close.

I couldn't sleep tonight even tho I slept in his big ass bed and he did on the couch I just couldn't fall asleep so waking him up was a good idea.
-What you wanna talk about girl?
-This why you woke me up?
-Was worth it
He turned around and started going back to sleep. I jumped on him and said
-Come on G I can't sleep
-Fine-he turned around and got up from the couch-let's lay in the bed there's more space
He layed down and I did too next to him.
-What's on your mind Lex?
-I don't know how I feel about college
-What? This is what you guys always wanted,to go to college together
-I know and that's not what I'm worried about cus I'm happy that me and Melo are going together
-Then what you worried bout?
-Leaving everything and everyone
-But you'll visit us,you have to move out some time and this is that time you have to take the next step
-But I'm gonna miss you guys,think about it there won't be no late nights with the gang and family barbecues
-Of course there will be,we still gang forever
-But I'm gonna miss you G-tears slowly started to run down my face
-Lexi come on-he grabbed my face and wiped my tears from my cheeks-I'm gonna miss you too girl but this is life and you'll visit us and we'll visit you
-I know but it won't be the same-I was still crying
-Come here -he opened his arms and pulled me in a hug he was laying down so I was on top of him. I love his hugs,they give me so much safety and peace,I never wanted to let go.

The next morning:

I woke up to my alarm ringing. I turned it off with my eyes still closed. When I opened my eyes I saw Gelo sleeping next to me. I love watching him sleep(not in a creepy way). But it's just so peaceful looking at his chest full of tattoos raising up and down and his face being all cute. But anyways I got up cus I have practice in an hour. I went to gelos bathroom and fixed my hair cus last nights bun didn't stay like that. I washed my face and went downstairs. Lavar was in the kitchen and Tina was sitting at the dining table.
Good morning-I said in a sleepy voice
-Good morning Lexi,didn't know you slept here-said Lavar,he wasn't surprised cus I've been sleeping over since I was born so I'm always welcome here.
-Morning Lexi-said Tina and I went over to give her a hug,her speech has been getting better and it's good to hear her voice again
-You want French toast?-asked Lavar
-I have practice so no thank you
-You not leaving with an empty stomach
-Fine I'll make a protein shake
I made myself the shake said bye to Lavar and Tina and left. I got in my car put on some lil baby to start the day and drove to the practice facility.Our high school has a lot of students so our gym is modern and quite big. I got changed and I didn't really feel like talking to anyone until Kayla arrived
-Girl we haven't talked in a minute what you been up to-she said with the biggest smile on her face,that's what I love about Kayla she's always smiling and being around her makes you instantly happy. She was right tho we haven't talked in a few days but what I like about our friendship is that we can not talk to each other for days and still know we got each other and there's no beef. I don't have a lot of girl friends because most of them are just drama,but Kayla a real one she different.
-I know bro I'm sorry I've been busy and just trynna process things and get ready mentally
-I know but whenever you wanna talk or hang call me,cus we don't got much time before you leave
-We gotta make the most out of this summer before we all leave
-Don't get me emotional Lexi,I'm already missing you
-Shut up,you'll be fine
-Come on ladies-said coach Baker,I like my coach cus she not only a great coach but she's there for you when you're not feeling good and just always happy to help.

After practice:

Me and Kayla walked out with the most sore legs ever,we ran today but not just like we normally do we did extra running today. So I am exhausted but me and Kayla decided to get something to eat. We went to in n out cus that was our place you know. We decided to eat in the car while watching the sunset from the beach,we didn't go to the beach a lot cus I didn't like the beach here but sitting in the car eating,vibing to music and talking about our future with my best friend was just what I needed.When the sun went down I took Kayla home and went home too. Mom made food but I wasn't hungry so just talked a bit with the fam and went upstairs in to Landon's room. I could hear him shouting from far away. When I opened the door Landon and Melo were sitting on the bed both playing.
-We can't get rid of you huh?-I said to Melo
-You can't get rid of me bitch,I'm not going no fucking where-screamed Melo at me. We all laughed as I hugged Melo and went to my room. I put my bag down and put my phone on the charger. I got undressed and put my robe on. I made my way to the bathroom. All three of us had our own bathroom and mom and dads bedroom was downstairs with their own too. I opened my door and saw what was a big suprise to my eyes

Falling in love with my bestfriends brother(Gelo Ball imagine)Where stories live. Discover now