The text

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I opened my eyes and looked at the time on my phone because the curtains covered all the light coming from outside it was 11:55 am. I was too tired to get up so I put my head back on the pillow and that's when I noticed I don't know why or how I didn't notice it before but Gelo was next to me with his arms around my body holding me tight. He was deep in his sleep I didn't want to wake him so I just layed back down in his arms and fell back to sleep.

I woke up to something punching me in the face I turn around and see Gelo stretching I look at him and he says
-Good morning Lex
-Good morning
-How'd you sleep?
-Pretty good
-Listen about how we slept..
-That's what I was gonna say too
-Let's just forget it okay I guess I felt lonely and I hugged you in my sleep I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable
-It's okay I get it
-Let's go see if anyone is up

I realized that I was in a crop top and my underwear cus I wore jeans last night so I took them off. Gelo noticed so he gave me one of his shorts and a hoodie. I also put my hair in a bun cus it was crazy. Then we went to Melos room,Landon and Melo were still sleeping. Zo's room was empty. We were both hungry so we went to dunkin to get some breakfast and coffe for everyone. In the car we just listened to Lil baby and sang along. When we got back Landon and Melo were in the living room playing fortnite.
-You playin this shit again huh?
-Shut up you only say it's shit cus you suck at it
-Shut yo ass up cus I'm throwin out your donuts

We ate our donuts and coffes and just hung out for a little. Later at around 2pm Gelo took me and Landon home and I wasn't really in the mood to workout but I decided to go shoot some hoops at the court and I also called Kayla cus I haven't talked with her in days. We were at the court for about an hour and half we just talked and spelt the tea about literally everything. Then cus it was Sunday she couldn't sleep over so i went home had dinner with the fam than showered and went to bed.

The next morning:

I woke up to my annoying ass alarm going off at 6;30. Today is probably my last day in school. Because of basketball and me wanting to get my scholarship my dad took me out of school so I can have online classes and tutors and focus on basketball more. So I went downstairs had some oatmeal with fruits then did my makeup and got dressed
This is what I wore

 So I went downstairs had some oatmeal with fruits then did my makeup and got dressed This is what I wore

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I packed my bags and headed out. I actually like my school,I go to Chino Hills Private High School. A bunch of celebrity kids and rich kids go here. I have some friends here so it's good. Kayla goes here too and Melo did too before Lavar pulled him out. My dad got the idea from there he noticed how much better Melo got when he stopped going to school and learned from home so that's also why he did it. I liked but also didn't like this decision. It was good because it's better for my future and all but I feel sorry for leaving Kayla I mean we are still going to be friends but it's different.

After school:

I said bye to everyone that I'm friends with and went to practice. After practice I was exhausted and hungry. I went home and we had dinner. My family has this thing with dinner no matter what happens during the day dinner is for family no phones,no tv just talking. So tonight we obviously talked about my school situation and dad told me he got tutors and that I'm starting tomorrow. After dinner I played with Lion,showered then went to bed.

Few days later:

I've been having classes at home for about 4 days now and not gonna lie I actually like this situation. My days are pretty busy but I'm organized and productive like this, that is what I always wanted. I usually have about 4 lessons from 10am before that I have one practice in the morning which is just weightlifting or something like that and then I have one in the afternoon. I can do my homework in the evening and still have time to spend with family or friends. Today was a normal day I was driving home from practice when I got a notification. It was Gelo,me and him didn't really text that much he always called if he needed something but it was mostly in person. He texted "can we talk?". I didn't text back until I got home
-sure what's up?
-I wanna tell you something
-go ahead
-so since the night of Landon's birthday I've been thinking about what happened
-umm yeah?
-and I don't regret it at all, I actually realized that I might like you
-wait Gelo what?
-yeah I haven't been able to think about anything else since
-nahh you playin
-I'm serious Lexi,I think I like you
-stop fuckin with me bro
-I'm dead serious on my mommas life I swear
-don't do Tina like that
-okay fine so you friendzoning me now?
-idk Gelo this is crazy I'll talk to you later I gotta go to bed
-aight gn

I kept thinking about this text what if he does mean Gelo would never like me we've been friends for the longest time he's like my brother. He's definitely playing with me. Maybe it's a dare. But what if...

If you guys like this story or think I should keep writing it please write a comment cus I wanna keep doing it but don't know if it's worth it anyways hope youre having a good day❤️

Falling in love with my bestfriends brother(Gelo Ball imagine)Where stories live. Discover now