Heart drop

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So i quickly jumped out of bed and changed into a dress again but this one is very different from the one that Dami gave me, talking about him i should text vic and see how they are doing backstage..mhm done texted her now i am gonna do my make up, call a taxi and go to the contest before Anthony, he will come there later.
As i was getting ready vic responded with a picture of Ethan and Damiano, my boys.

Hopefully Ethan didn't say anything about what happened during the interview

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Hopefully Ethan didn't say anything about what happened during the interview..it's not that i am ashamed or anything but i don't have any explanation of what happened.
Soon i was ready and to be honest i really liked this outfit..

god today is such an important day hopefully they will win but there is still a few hours left so that means still a few hours left of me stressing, Taxi came, i got in and in like 30 minutes we arrived

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god today is such an important day hopefully they will win but there is still a few hours left so that means still a few hours left of me stressing, Taxi came, i got in and in like 30 minutes we arrived.
As soon as i got out of the taxi i saw Ethan smoking a cigarette outside so i ran up to him.

Bella: hey

Ethan: oh hey tinkerbell how you feeling?

Bella: tinkerbell? seriously?

Ethan: yes Edgar and tinkerbell what a duo right?

Bella: the best one in the whole world

Ethan: haha of course

Bella: hey Ethan i wanted to-

Ethan: i know what you wanted to ask me, don't worry about that what happened today will stay between us two only you can trust me

Bella: thank you..

Ethan: stop thanking me tinkerbell and lets go inside, the show will start soon and this place will be crowded of people

When we walked inside and Damiano saw me, he quickly ran up to me and kissed me on the lips in front of everyone while holding me closer to him by my waist

Damiano: god i missed you so much

Bella: and i missed you babe..so guys how we feelin???!!!

Damiano: well Thomas is very..very nervous.

I looked around and saw Thomas almost crying on the sofa.

Bella: hey hey don't cry tommy everything will be alright you hear me?! you guys are already the winners i can see that

Thomas: oh god i didn't know i would be this nervous during the final

Bella: just ignore everyone and everything when you get up on that stage you hear me? its just you and your guitar no one else, go up there and show them how it should be done Thomas.

Thomas: so just me and my guitar?..

Bella: just the two of you.

You could see on Thomas's face that he gained confidence and it made me happy too, i helped someone with something that even i struggle with, or maybe not anymore..thanks to Edgar.

—————- 2 hours later —————

23 contestants already went up on the stage now its their turn, i could feel the stress taking power over me but i must take my self in my own hands, All four of them will look at me especially Damiano and i don't want to show him that i am stressed or else he will get stressed too.

Suddenly the lights turned off and Dami started singing..all the stress left my body because everyone on that stage was killing it, Dami made an eye contact with me and i smirked at him, he knew everything was going according to plan..perfect and unmatched.

Few hours later every contestant finished their performance and now it was time for points from all around europe!

Things are not going the best..and you could see the stress on their faces. Switzerland and France are at the top with the points from the countries..the only hope now are the votes from people around the world, that could change everything but unfortunately not only for the best but maybe even for the worst..

" and now! its time to see how many votes did italy get!...and the number of the votes are..318 points! congratulations italy you are in the first position"

i started screaming from the top of my lungs and jumping, i was so proud of them! unfortunately there is one thing left, switzerland's points..

" if switzerland gets more than 251 points they win but who knows..lets see how many points did switzerland get?...switzerland got..165 points which means that we have a winner! ITALY! "

OH MY GOD WE WON! WE WON! I couldn't believe it! i was so happy i turned around and saw all four of them running in my direction, Damiano ran up to me took me in his hands and kissed me in front of the cameras

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OH MY GOD WE WON! WE WON! I couldn't believe it! i was so happy i turned around and saw all four of them running in my direction, Damiano ran up to me took me in his hands and kissed me in front of the cameras.




Everybody was hugging us! after they performed for one last time we decided to go to a party to celebrate of course!

We went to a very big bar, full of a lot of people usually i would be very stressed to be here but today is not an usual day its our winning day! so as we got inside i drank a shot after shot! soon i couldn't even walk straight and only thing i remember is dancing with damiano but then he got lost so i was dancing by myself until drunk ethan came and we danced together it was so much fun! i couldn't even feel the time anymore and i didn't even look at my phone until i got a text thinking it was Anthony turns out it wasn't Anthony ..it was Marzia.

Bella: marzia?.. what did she send me

Ethan: oh that girl?

I opened the picture and my heart shattered into thousand pisces, i couldn't even see or hear anything until i heard a noise of my phone dropping and Ethan shaking me


He picked up the phone and saw..

Ethan: oh fuck.

It was a picture of Damiano and Marzia laying in the same bed, together..naked.

Love battle // damiano and ethan Where stories live. Discover now