Chapter 5

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Ahhh, walking home. One of the most boring things life has to offer. I put my iPod in and “Eye of The Tiger” started screaming at me.

‘Aaaahhhhh’ I kind of shouted as my ears tried to explode. I quickly turned down the volume so that I wouldn’t get permanent deafness.

I started counting the white lines on the road, a very boring habit that I have that doesn’t want to go away.

I stumbled and looked down at my feet. Big mistake I walked straight into a spider web.

‘Garr’ I screamed as I tried to get it off me. There’s a spider in my hair I just know it. I start jumping around trying to get it out of my hair, when I hear laughing.

Huh my subconscious says, I look around for the source of the laughing and spot the one person I do not want to see. Him.

My face turned deep red. He had just watched me jump around like a crazy person probably because of a non-existent spider. Crap, well life couldn’t get much worse that's for certain.

I speed up trying to get ahead of him. But he speeds up too. Grrr what is he now a stalker, my mind informs me. I try slowing down but that doesn’t work either.

Damn I can hear him chuckling now. Wait what happened to my iPod, crap its run out of battery. I was mistaken life does get worse.

The streets were dead quiet, which was unusual but then I remembered I had detention so it’s later now.

A car’s engine sounded off in the distance. I focused on that as I tried to get the picture of him out of my head.

The engine got louder and louder.

Then a fire red sports car came screaming into the street. I watched the car as it swerved everywhere.

The driver must have been drunk or something because that car was clearly out of control and going way to fast.

I looked over to Him but he looked like he hadn’t even noticed the car. When I looked closer I could see he had his ear phones in.

They must have been pretty loud to block the sound of this car.

I was about to yell out to Him to tell him to ‘Watch It’

When as I watched in horror, the car hit a rut in the road and went spinning straight towards Him

I tried to yell, the words got stuck in my throat.

I seemed like everything happened in slow motion.

He turned around and His eyes widened. He looked straight at me.

My breathing stoped.

The car hit him full force and head on as he continued to stare helplessly at me. He flew back, flying at least five meters straight into a brick wall.

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