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So wow, already an update?! You're probably like um, honey, you just posted the summary like an hour ago. And I already have a new update. WOW!

Actually, I sort of cheated. I started writing this chapter/prolouge over the weekend, only I just posted everything today.

If you wanted to see pictures of the cast, I saved you the time of looking them up and made a big collage of all of them to the right, or top, not sure what device you're using:)

Hope you enjoy!


"Alright Beena, truth or dare?" Scarlet said, leaning in towards me, desperate to know my answer. We were currently having a sleepover in my basement. It must've been at least 10:30 already, and our bedtime was at 9:00, although Scarlet convinced me to stay up longer. She was wide awake, however I could barely keep my eyes open. It was pretty late for a third-grader.

In case you're wondering, that's my best friend Scarlet Black. Sort of ironic, actually, because she had scarlet-orange hair. I always admired it, the way it'd get brighter in the summer and really brought out her pale cyan blue eyes. Not only that, but she could rock bangs easily. They just looked so good on her. I had to get rid of mine awhile ago, because they sort of made me look like a boy. Plus, she had the most gorgeous freckles all across her nose and cheeks that I would kill for. I've known Scarlet for as long as I could remember. Our parents were close when they were young, so we sort of became friends at birth. I couldn't live without her. She was everything I wasn't. She was so out-spoken, and everyone knew her name, whereas I would rather stay hidden in the shadows. I loved how she could be so daring and brave, she was spontaneous without even trying. She would do things that I would never in a million years done. Like once in first grade, someone dared her to jump off the top of the monkey bars. She stood her ground, and didn't even hesitate to accept the challenge. Even though she ended up breaking her wrist, she didn't shed one tear.

"Umm....I don't know...truth?" I yawned.

"Oh c'mon, Beena, you always pick truth. Choose dare this time! Besides, I have the perfect dare for you..." Myra giggled mischievously.

That was Scarlet and I's new best friend, Myra Hanover. She just moved here this year in third grade, and we had already gotten to know her pretty well. She had dark brown, chocolate hair and was super tan, which Scarlet and I were always jealous of because we were paler than snow. She was very talented at art, and she even drew a picture of us together to show what good friends we were. Myra was one of the sweetest people I knew, she was great at making everyone feel better. She was so good at controlling her anger, we hadn't got into a single fight this entire time we knew her. Myra could also talk to anyone. She was humble, but not shy, and brave, but not a show-off. I didn't know how someone could be so perfect, honestly I've never seen her embarrass herself once. Plus, she had already pretty much made friends with everyone in the grade. Like Scarlet, she was pretty popular already. Speaking of Scarlet, I really had to give her some credit. All the credit, actually. If it weren't for her, we never would've met Myra. She was the out-going and daring girl who had the confidence to talk to her first. The only reason I know her is because I'm friends with Scarlet.

"Okay, okay, dare." I give in, rolling my eyes but smiling all the while.

Then there was me. The kid with braces, frizzy brunette hair, and pale skin, even though we lived in Florida. I was never one to speak up, always kept low and out of the way. I just didn't want to bother anyone. I know, I'm insecure and shy, but I really can't help it. Even though my friends are always saying I have natural beauty, and I look fine just the way I am, I'm always self-conscious about myself. I didn't like how I was so much shorter than everyone. How I was the only one with braces so far because of my crooked teeth. How my scraggly hair couldn't be silky just once in my life. I never seemed to get anything right, I was always making mistakes. I feel like I humiliate myself 24/7. I guess I'm thankful for friends like Scarlet and Myra. I'm glad that they can help me go out of my comfort zone once in a while. Besides, if it weren't for them, I would be sitting by myself right now, probably reading the Harry Potter series for the fourth time.

I watched as Myra whispered her dreadful dare into Scarlet's ear. My curiosity was building by the minute.

"Ooh, that's a good one!" I saw Scarlet squeal with enthusiasm. I knew that look like the back of my hand. The tight smile that showed off her faint dimples, the raised eyebrows, and the mischievous glint in her eyes. This was not going to end well.

"Okay Beena, I dare you to on the last day of our senior year...kiss your crush!" Myra squeaked. My curious smile faded. I let my mouth hang open in utter shock. Were they serious? They knew how insecure I was. I couldn't talk to my crush without throwing up let alone kissing him. I don't know how I would survive the humiliation. Just the thought of doing something as spontaneous as that made my palms get sweaty and my face heat up. I started to feel lightheaded and dizzy, the room spinning around me. Not only that, but my crush was Dash Newton. He was popular, I wasn't. Simple as that.

"No way. You guys know how self-conscious I am! Besides, Dash doesn't even know I exist. How do you expect me to kiss him?!" I scream, my voice getting higher and more anxious by each word. Seriously, they were out of their minds if they think I would ever do that. Nope, not in a million years.

"What if we do it with you?" Scarlet bursted out suddenly. I thought it over for a few minutes. If we do it together, it'll be less embarrassing. I'll still have to do it, but it won't be as mortifying if I'm not the only one who's doing it.

"Yeah! I'll do it too! C'mon Beena, what do you say?" Myra joined in. Any other person asking me to do this and I would've laughed in their faces and handed them a big fat NO. But they were my friends. Anything that they did, I had to do it with them. Even if it was as stupid as the time Scarlet made me jump in the mud pile in our white communion dresses last year, or the time Myra and I splattered the art teacher's face with red paint when she got us in trouble. Looking back up to their idiotic grins and raised eyebrows, I couldn't hold back the mischievous smile that crept it's way onto my face.

Fiddling with the loose thread on my sleeping bag and twirling it in my finger, I knew my answer. "Okay, let's do it."


Hi guys! So this was the first chapter thingamajiger of KCAF!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!! I'm so very excited right now.

I know this wasn't long, but it was only the prolouge because I had to say why they were going to kiss their crushes in the first place otherwise then it would be really wierd and stuff.

Our school has a snow day today, (yay! no school! mini happy dance!) so I'll try my best to get the REAL first chapter up for you guys.

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And COMMENT to give me some feedback, tell me what you liked and didn't like;)

See ya soon,

Bri xox

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