Chapter 26

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(20 May)

7:32 pm

The car stopped with a screech and there it was, Baekhyun's home and his family waiting for you both inside. You gulped with the nervousness reaching up to you.

You didn't even realize when Baekhyun got out of the car and reached to your side until he opened the door startling you. Looking up at him with your big and nervous eyes where he let out a chuckle seeing your expression.

"It's your home."

Baekhyun smiled sarcastically. "Great discovery, Y/n. Even I know it's my home."

You frowned, clicking your tongue. "Why did you drive so fast?"

He just sighed giving you a look and you huffed. "What? I'm just nervous okay? It's normal to feel nervous and don't."

You gave him a threatening look and his forehead creased. "What? I didn't even said anything."

"You were going to."

"Y/n, come out." He extended his hand and you sighed grabbing his hand before getting out as he closed the door behind.

"It's gonna be okay." He rubbed your back gently. "They are good people."

You glared at him as he laughed at his own remark before walking up to the front door and he chuckled. "So this is what it would feel like when I'll take our little beans on their first day of school."

You blinked and then blushed at his words before hitting his arm making him laugh. "Come on, let's meet your in laws."

You inhaled and exhaled before opening your eyes. "Okay, let's go back."

"This girl seriously!" He grabbed your hand as you were about to turn back and quickly opened the front door before walking inside while pulling your nervous figure.

As soon as you stepped inside, you were in awe at how beautiful and warm his home was and you got lost admiring it until a bark erupted snapping you out. Looking at the direction, you saw a puppy running towards you and a low squeal left your lips before hid behind Baekhyun holding his arm.

Baekhyun giggled looking over his shoulder to you before crouching down and patted the puppy's head. "Y/n, meet Mongryongiee."

Baekhyun looked back at you to see your horror expression making him smile as he held your hand. "It's okay, he won't bite. Come here."

You hesitantly crouched down next to him and slowly smiled as Mongryong leaned towards you making you pat his head affectionally. Baekhyun smiled at you two and made you stand up as you both walked further inside before you saw a man and woman in their 20s coming towards you both smiling.

The man's features were similar as Baekhyun's and you assumed that he must be his big brother which he mentioned before and the woman seemed to be his wife.

"Hello." You greeted them smilingly and they did it back where you saw Baekhyun's brother giving him a teasing look and Baekhyun just rolled his eyes at him.

"I didn't know, you were so pretty." Baekhyun's sister in law suddenly complimented and you couldn't help but blush before smiling shyly thanking her.

You all walked towards the living room before you saw middle-aged man who you assumed to be Baekhyun's father and you instantly felt nervous as you found yourself leaning towards Baekhyun's side.

He seemed to notice it and held your hand firmly relaxing you before you both greeted him and he smiled sweetly where he looked exactly like Baekhyun, not to mention he was handsome and that's when you realized that both brothers got his good looks.

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